Facilities Inventory: Web Page Changes
Back to Facilities Inventory Documentation
2025 Updates
- Updated the org admin contact list (1/7/2025).
- Reset progress page ready for a new inventory year (1/3/2025).
- Created a page to describe how to find rooms with errors (1/3/2025).
2024 Updates
- Created page to describe upcoming retirement of previous system. Data available in Oracle Analytics Reports. (12/11/2024)
- Consolidated organized research content into a single page. (12/3/2024)
- Removed link to organized research Excel template and sample email to researchers while Office of Cost and Capital Assets prepares revised instructions (11/21/2024).
- Added a note to the facility subtype page explaining that these values have been retired since June 30, 2023 and replaced by a revised list of facility types. (11/11/2024)
- Archived a number of pages containing specific instructions on using the older version of the facilities inventory system last used in summer 2023 on topics such as adding start and end dates. (11/11/2024)
- Removed reference to College Officer Group (COG) access in the page on facilities inventory system access types and responsibilities. COG access was not implemented as such in the facilities inventory system which is in use since February 2024 (11/11/24).
- New content on geographical classification of facilities by region, district, site having replaced "site codes". Reordered bullets in "Facilities Data" section so that alphabetical. (10/16/24)
- New content on locating Oracle Analytics Server, OAS reports (10/4/24)
- New content on how to export a list of rooms to Excel. (7/9/2024)
- New content on the procedure for org admins to change the "Org Status" of large numbers of rooms. (6/6/24)
- Added link to the Excel "Research Substantiation Worksheet - template" to the Organized Research page. This template from the Cost and Capital Assets department is the standard method of recording research substantiation for all spaces with sponsored research activities. (5/30/24)
- Added page for Oracle Analytics Server (OAS) report on progress by department (5/21/24).
- Added page for Organized Research links (4/25/24)
- Added page for searching for rooms by "Org Status" of open, reviewed, or approved (3/20/24).
- Added link on main documentation page to description of new facility categories. (2/14/24)
- Added link on main documentation page to FMS:Workplace (2/05/24)
- Added page for revised Facility Status and new Facility Substatus. (2/02/24)
- Added page for revised Facility Type. (2/02/24)
- Put new version of documentation page at the same URL as the page describing the previous facilities inventory system (2/02/24).
- Updated mailing address for access to PDF floor plans to facilitiesarchiving@cornell.edu (1/30/24).
- Created a new Renovation Data Process page to remove references to processes not relevant to new facilities inventory system. (1/29/24)
- From the list of SFAAS codes, removed the column entitled "Form 990 Category". (1/25/24)
- Updated descriptive names of room types for codes 910, 919, 935, 940, 943, and 950 to match the names on page 19 of Policy 2.7. Removed retired room type 920 from the list. (1/18/24)
2023 Updates
- Updated link destination for Out-of-Service buildings (10/30/23)
- Updated contacts for building bills (9/26/23)
- Removed link under floor plans to deprecated "access request link" and replaced with mailto link to documentarchives@cornell.edu (9/20/23)
- Changed main page layout from three to two columns to account for space taken up by right side bar (9/20/23)
- Changed floor plan links so that go to new version of Find Facility Information page (9/19/23)
- Added "Space Management Guidance" link (9/12/23)
- Fixed broken link to "Space Planning" (9/12/23)
- Added "Historical Room Search" instructions (8/22/23)
- Added "College Officer Finance Report Instructions" (7/28/23)
- Updated "Methodology for Assigning Dept/Org Codes and the CC/EN Flag to Unclassified Non-Assignable and Data Processing-Computer Service Room Types" (5/2/23)
- New page listing upcoming Zoom sessions (5/2/23)
- Updated content of special instructions (4/18/23).
- Added new content on removing expired research awards (4/18/23).
2022 Updates
- Updated bulk edit documentation (11/22/22).
- Added new content describing facility replacement value (8/31/22).
- Replaced asset assignment chart with a current version (6/06/2022).
- Updated "Methodology for Assigning Dept/Org Codes and the CC/EN Flag to Unclassified Non-Assignable and Data Processing-Computer Service Room Types" (4/22/22).
- Changed format of list of room types and function codes from a Word document to a web page as part of FCS' web-accessibility project (3/07/22).
- Removed link to archived documentation for SUNY Tran as part of web-accessibility project (3/03/22).
- Removed Excel version of org admin contact list as part of web-accessibility project (3/02/22).
2021 Updates
- Updated instructions for exporting search results to Excel (11/29/21).
- Removed duplicate content on FAQ page and substituted link back to main documentation page (11/29/21).
- Added video recording from April 2021 presentation on Space Functionalization (4/26/21).
- Added slides from April 2021 presentation on Space Functionalization by Jeff Silber of the Division of Financial Affairs (4/16/21).
- Revised Room Types and Function Codes List (2/12/21).
- Updated instructions:
- Organized research links page (4/26/21)
- Organized research reporting best practices (4/26/21)
- Sample email to researcher (4/26/21)
- Organized Research Red Flags (4/23/21)
- Bulk Edit: Adding Occupant Comments to Multiple Rooms (4/21/21)
- Special Exception Organized Research (4/20/21)
- Renovation Data Process (2/18/21)
- Room Number Modifications (2/09/21)
- Changing and Adding Orgs (2/08/21)
- Dates and Percentages (2/08/21)
- Occupants / Research (4/22/2021)
- SUNY Ownership Conversion (1/06/21 and 12/18/20)
- SFAAS code definitions updated (12/01/20).
- Added instructions for rooms with function code 7.2, Outside Agencies (1/21/21).
- Revised document on room type 272, Walk-In Environmental Chambers (1/07/21).
2020 Updates
- Added note to page for special instructions about not changing room types and function codes for surveillance test centers (12/07/20).
- SUNY Ownership Conversion added (12/01/20).