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Cornell University

Facilities and Campus Services Values

FCS is a values based organization dedicated to the principals of TruthRespectExcellenceTeamwork, and Integrity.


We say what we mean and do what we say

We expect each other to:

  • tell the truth, share and accept information – even when difficult
  • seek feedback relating to our own performance and our impact on others  
  • communicate openly,  responsibly, and truthfully
  • continuously re-assess, and carefully evaluate existing opinions, practices, policies, and strategies


We treat people as we want to be treated

We are committed to achieving:

  • a compassionate and fulfilling workplace, dedicated to dignity for all people
  • freedom to express feelings and ideas openly, without fear
  • prompt and fair resolution of conflicts                   
  • recognition, appreciation, and celebration of each other's accomplishments
  • respect and welcoming of the diversity of others (ideas, gender, position, ethnicity, etc.)
  • personal development through training, mentoring, supervision, coaching, and leadership agreements and decisions based on our values


We strive to be the best

Is demonstrated by our:

  • providing a safe, healthy and environmentally sound campus
  • focus on delivering the highest quality service to the campus
  • stewardship of all university resources entrusted to us (people, funds, facilities, etc.)
  • seeking innovation through risk-taking and change
  • measuring and improving performance, including benchmarking best practices against  our own
  • acts of good citizenship within our community
  • accountability for our performance to our Customers, Employees, and Owners


Together we achieve more

We can achieve more through:

  • participative problem solving and decision making
  • collaboration and partnerships
  • putting team objectives ahead of personal interests
  • diversity among people, their ideas and talents
  • soliciting new ideas
  • being accountable for our contributions to our teams, as leaders and members


We do the right thing

We expect:

  • everyone to be accountable for his or her behaviors and actions
  • everyone to behave in an honest and ethical manner, even when making a mistake
  • everyone to behave in ways that model and reflect our values
  • everyone to raise questions when they occur, no matter what or who is involved