Energy and Sustainability Staff Directory
Energy and Sustainability (E&S) is comprised of three interactive teams that work together to achieve our obligations and seize opportunities to reduce our environmental footprint while providing vital utilities. E&S staff are happy to interact with the Cornell community, peers, and others regarding issues in our purview. Please contact us using the information below, or contact E&S by sending an email to
Associate Vice President of Energy and Sustainability
Robert R. "Bert" Bland, P.E., Associate Vice President
Anabel Flores, Energy & Sustainability Administrator
Campus Sustainability Office
The Campus Sustainability Office works with students, staff and community members to catalyze the Cornell's transformation into a sustainable campus, including its energy infrastructure.
Professional Staff
- Kim Anderson, Assistant Director, Campus Sustainability Office
- Sarah Carson, Director, Campus Sustainability Office
- Lisa Kilgore, Sustainability Coordinator
- Meredith Rutherford, Sustainability Manager
Student Staff
- Mohammed AIRizqi, Sustainability Coordinator for Student Engagement
- Leo Chen, STARS Coordinator
- Karim Dergal, Sustainability Coordinator for Campus Operations & STARS
- Delaney Hartnett, Sustainability Student Engagement Coordinator
- Yoyo Lu, Sustainability Coordinator for Campus Operations & STARS
- Faith Shote, Sustainability Communications Fellow
Earth Source Heat
- Wayne Bezner Kerr, Project Manager
- Burak Erdinc, Geothermal Engineer
- Inger Aaberg, Project Coordinator (under Facilities Engineering and Project Management)
Energy Transition Program
- Stacey Edwards, Energy Transition Program Manager
Utilities Distribution and Energy Management
- Cole Tucker, P.E., CEM, Director of Utilities Distribution & Energy Management
- Vicki Davis, Assistant to the Director / Utilities Management System (UMS) Program Manager
Energy Management
The goal of the Energy Management section is to cost effectively minimize Cornell's energy use and associated environmental impacts. The Energy Management staff works to identify and implement conservation focused outreach, maintenance, energy studies, and capital projects to meet the university's needs with less energy use. The program includes all of the Ithaca, NY campus; Geneva Experiment Station and other off-central campus facilities in the region.
- Mike Boggs, Metering Program Coordinator
- Jason Collins, EMIT, Energy Project Coordinator
- Samuel Fairchild, CEM, Energy Engineer
Utilities Distribution
The Utilities Distribution section of Energy and Sustainability maintain the steam, chilled water, potable water system, sanitary sewerage collection systems and storm sewerage collection system.
- Steve Hubbell, Utilities Distribution System Operations Specialist
- Jason Kelly, Distribution Engineer
- Jeff LaPar, Electric Enterprise Manager
- Chas Porter, Thermal Distribution Manager
- Frank Perry, Thermal Distribution Manager
Utilities Production
The Utilities production section of Energy and Sustainability operates the University energy system that includes the production of steam with electric co-generation, and chilled water. Utilities also operates an electric substation, hydroplant, potable water production system, sanitary sewerage collection systems and storm sewerage collection system.
- Josh LaPenna, P.E., Director of Utilities Production
- Dede Deeley, Assistant to the Director of Utilities Production
Central Energy Plants (CEP)
- Jim Ciolek, Electrical Engineer
- Alan Griffith, Maintenance Manager / Hydroplant Manager
- Erik Kirakosyan, Plant Engineer
- Scott Morse, Plant Maintenance Planner
- Alton O'Neal, Plant Engineer
- Garret Quist, PE, Operations Manager
- Scott Williams, Industrial Controls System Manager
CEP Operations
- Robert Campbell, Senior Plant Operator
- Ron Grose, Senior Plant Operator
- Chuck Hayward, Boiler Operator
- Jeremy Lattrell, Boiler Operator
- Brendan Lester, Boiler Operator
- Kelly Martin, Senior Plant Operator
- John Mendelis, Boiler Operator
- Tim Middaugh, Senior Plant Operator
- Dan Pakkala, Boiler Operator
- Andy Purser, Boiler Operator
- James Parr, Senior Water Treatment Plant Technician/Operator
- Robert Reynolds, Boiler Operator
- Doug Smith, Senior Plant Operator
- Dave Wilmot, Senior Plant Operator
- vacant, Water Treatment Plant Operator
CEP Maintenance and Instrumentation
- Mark Carlisle, Senior Mechanic
- Richard Glezen, Senior Mechanic
- Sean Lynch, Senior Instrumentation and Controls Technician
- Tony Page, Senior Mechanic
- Dave Perrine, Senior Environmental Instrumentation and Controls Technician
- Bernie Rose, Senior Instrumentation and Controls Technician
Water and Wastewater
- Andrew Murphy, P.E., Water and Wastewater Manager
- Mike Brown, Senior Mechanic/Relief Plant Operator
- Keith Cochran, Senior Plant Operator
- Matthew Foster, Senior Plant Operator
- vacant, Senior Plant Operator