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Cornell University

Facilities Inventory: Searching and Exporting Facilities Information

In order to search the facilities inventory system for details about facilities, start at the facilities inventory page at

Select "Facility Search" from the top menu as shown in Figure 1 below.

Enter one or more search criteria.  For example, to search for the facilities associated with Weill Cornell Medicine, enter "WCM*" under Facility Name to find the facilities with names which begin with "WCM".  A asterisk is a wild card.

Then click "Find Facilities".

Facilities Inventory, Facilities Search

Figure 1Searching the facilities inventory for information about facilities.

The inventory system will return a list of facilities which match the search terms.  If you are a user with "read-only" permissions, you will see all results.  If you are a user whose inventory permissions are limited to a single college, division or department, you will see the results which are in that college, division or department.

By default, the inventory system lists up to 50 results per screen.  To see all of the results on a single screen, select "Show All Records" as shown in Figure 2 below.

It can be helpful to export the search results to an Excel spreadsheet.   After using "Show All Records" to put more results on the screen, click "Export Search Result to Excel" to start the download process.  The error about mismatched format types which appears when opening the resulting file can be safely ignored.

Figure 2An inventory screen shows 50 results per screen by default.  There are options for showing all records on the screen and exporting these results to Excel.