Facilities Inventory Documentation
Accessing the Systems
Instructions and Guides
Organizational Administrator Contact List: Who to contact in each organization
Common Facilities Inventory Tasks
CC/EN Codes: A guide to setting CC/EN codes. CC/EN values are used in the budget model under the Operations and Maintenance principle so that costs are funded accordingly.
Oracle Analytics Server Report Descriptions
Inventory Progress by Department
Printable PDF Floor Plans: Enter your facility code or name, search, and then choose Floor Plans from the left menu.
- Need Access to Floor Plans? Write to facilitiesarchiving@cornell.edu. All inventory users are granted floor-plan access with their inventory access, so no additional request is required.
Room Types and Function Codes: A list of room types and function codes.
- Common Room Type Issues: A short list of frequently incorrect room types.
- Walk-In Environmental Chambers (Research): A document which clarifies the use of the Walk-In Environmental Chambers (Research) room type.
Organizational Administrator Instructions
- Org Admin Timeline: Yearly timeline of Org Admin responsibilities
- Budget, billing and building performance questions
- Budget Model Overview
- Contact information for budget, billing, and building performance questions.
Renovation Data Process: Step-by-step instructions for room renovations.
- Room Number Modifications: We are asked often to modify a room number on floor plans. The linked page explains why this is not possible.
- SharePoint: Instructions for navigating SharePoint
- SharePoint Site: FI Renovation Access and manage floor plans that reflect pre and post renovations.
Definitions and Standards
- Facility Naming: Defines the six different types of facility names and principles to apply during the naming process.
- Building and Room: Definition as defined by the university which clarifies special situations.
- Facilities Data
- SUNY Ownership Conversion: Crosswalk pre-AssetWorks ownership assignments to AssetWorks standard.
- Out-of-Service Buildings: Process and guidelines for moving a facility into “Out of Service” status.
- University Policy 2.7 for Reporting the Use of Facilities: It includes definitions of room types and function codes.
Space Planning Office Resources
- Space Planning: The Space Planning Office is responsible for managing space in a systematic, purposeful manner, designed to optimize the use of space resources and to advance the mission and strategic priorities of the University.
- Space Management Guidance: Additional resources from the Office of Space Planning office to help with questions on Office Space Guidelines and to how to schedule spaces for instruction or events.
- Classification of Assignable and Non-assignable Space: Assignable space can be used for people or programs. Non-assignable spaces are those areas within a building that are essential to the operation of the building but are not assigned directly to people or programs (such as circulation spaces). This documents describes how to properly classify these space types.
- Room Type Coding: A presentation on room type coding from observations made by Paulien & Associates in 2012. Guidance on defining rooms by usage.