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Cornell University

Facilities Inventory: Room Number Changes

Last updated: March 30, 2022


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Why Modifying Room Numbers Is Not a Good Idea 

Facilities Inventory is frequently asked to change room numbers on our floor plans.  While it may appear simple to update the CADD files of the floor plan, other university systems driven by the Facilities Inventory room number would also require updates.  Some of these updates require a visit to the building and are fee-for-service.  Below is as comprehensive a list as we could put together.

Fire Control Panels:

Tied to the inventory plan for the building.  Requires coordination with Environmental Health and Safety Fire Marshal’s Office, fire alarm reprogramming, and coordination with the local municipality (costs are involved).

Fire Protection Equipment Device Maps:

Standalone plans that are manually updated would need room number corrections.

Egress Route Maps:

There is one staff member responsible for updating these maps. One room number change can require updates to multiple maps. 

Locations of Emergency Equipment:

Exit lights, fire extinguishers, circuit panel locations, fire pumps, emergency panels, auto transfer locations for generators, and generator locations.  These plans are not linked to the live inventory drawings and require manual updates.  In some cases they are PDF or hard copy drawings.  There are thousands of locations involved.

CIT Phone/Data Jacks:

CIT will only updates labels on phone and data jacks by request or if the work is part of a larger project.

  • Analog/digital phones - Any change in room numbers would have to be reflected in Pinnacle (billing system).  This is a manual change.
  • CU Police 911 Console - The Pinnacle phone number/jack location displays on the CU Police console when 911 is called from a CU phone.
  • VoIP phones - Any change in room numbers would have to be reflected in the data circuit information in Pinnacle.
  • Data jacks - also require a manual data location update in Pinnacle.

Classroom scheduling application:

Scheduling@Cornell is currently unable to link directly to the facilities inventory to automatically update changed room numbers. 

Outlook Calendar Room Resource Scheduling:

Any room resources that can be scheduled in Outlook calendar would need to be reconfigured.

Capital Equipment Inventory:

If the room contains equipment over $5,000, it is inventoried in KFS.  KFS takes a nightly feed from the facilities inventory for valid facility codes and room numbers; however, updates relating to an asset’s location (facility code and/or room number) must be entered manually into the capital asset module.

Staff Directory:

If the room is occupied by a person, they would be responsible for updating directory systems. Updates would also include business cards and letterhead as needed.

Equipment Maintenance:

Two systems drive maintenance that require room numbers – Maximo and FPNMS, Facilities Physical Needs Management System.  Maximo creates routine equipment maintenance tickets.  FPNMS uses building assessments to calculate future maintenance needs.  The facility code and room number are available to each through a nightly feed, but unless there is direction regarding re-associating equipment with a different room number the data is no longer accurate.

Asbestos Surveys:

Asbestos reports and surveys are driven by room information.  If a room number is changed, the information related to the room is no longer valid since these documents are static reports.  This could translate into significant costs. If there is suspected asbestos in a building where there has not been a full building survey, it is the responsibility of the occupying department to prove that prior asbestos abatement had taken place.  If room numbers change, then it will be difficult to support those claims.  The department is responsible for paying for new asbestos surveys.

Hazardous Chemicals:

For a lab containing hazardous chemicals, HASP, the Hazardous Assessment Signage Program tracks chemical hazards by room number.  It takes a feed from the facilities inventory system to make rooms and specific room types available for creating signage.  The department person responsible for signs would have to make an update, print, and post new signs.

Care of Buildings Workload Management Application: 

Software for managing the care of buildings workload contains a inventory of rooms which require cleaning.  This is a standalone database that requires manual room number updates.

Blown Bulb Room Location: 

Data that identifies the room location where blown light bulbs are stored.  Care of Buildings is responsible for updates if a room number is changed.  R5 uses the information for bulb pick-up.