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Cornell University

Facilities Inventory: CC/EN Codes

Last updated: January 29, 2024

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All space needs be coded correctly in the facilities inventory system, including by fund source. The fund source identification is characterized broadly as Contract College or Endowed (CC/EN); values within these larger categories are selected by choosing the appropriate value in the CC/EN field within the system.

Units must maintain an accurate CC/EN identifier to:

  1. Inform the facilities cost portion of the budget model for activity that occurs within all space, and
  2. support required reporting of space for contract college activities to New York State.

The setting of the CC/EN flags on non-assignable space (e.g., circulation, mechanical rooms, etc.) and CIT infrastructure rooms in Cornell buildings, exclusive of Weill Cornell Medicine, is related to facilities asset assignment, as there is no specific occupant.  CC/EN coding for these space types is discussed in more detail in "Methodology for Assigning Dept/Org Codes and the CC/EN Flag to Unclassified Non-Assignable and Data Processing-Computer Service Room Types".

  1. Academic Units – for each room or portion of a room assigned at the department or section level, the CC/EN identifier is selected based on the department/section fund source.
  2. Administrative Units –
    1. Private spaces (e.g., individual offices) are assigned a CC/EN identifier that aligns with the fund source for the occupant (that is, the “employee company,” endowed or contract college).
    2. Shared office areas are pro-rated based on the proportional number of occupants that are funded, Contract or Endowed. For a shared work area with eight desks, with three occupants funded on Contract funds and five on Endowed funds, the room would have two department assignments in the facilities inventory, pro-rated accordingly: 60% 1001 EN-GNRLSRV and 40% 1001 CC-GNRLSRV.
    3. Shared support spaces, including conference and meeting rooms, break rooms, copier areas, reception areas, storage, etc. are all pro-rated based on the pro-rated number of total employees in the department that are funded, Contract or Endowed. E.g., for department 1001 with 24 employees total, with 18 Endowed and 6 Contract, the shared work areas would be pro-rated 75% 1001 EN-GNRLSRV and 25% 1001 CC_GNRLSRV.
  3. Questions can be directed to the University Budget Office, Rose Wright – or Davina Desnoes -
Categorization Code Value Definition Examples:
Endowed Enterprise EN-ENTERPR
  • Space for endowed activity for a non-academic, institutional support service activity. Enterprise operations are managed as self-supporting activities.
  • Space for endowed activity for which the maintenance and operations of the space are included in rates charged for the activity in that space.
  • Does not include service operations.
SCL (Student & Campus Life) - Cornell Store (all locations), and dining facilities.
Endowed General Services EN-GNRLSRV
  • Space for endowed activity associated with central administrative units
  • Space for central administrative endowed activity for which the maintenance and operations are shared by campus through the assessment.
Assignable program areas supporting central administrative units.
Non-assignable spaces such as corridors, staircases, custodial storage, mechanical rooms.
Endowed College EN-COLL
  • Endowed activity in these spaces supports the academic mission of the unit it represents. A space with this EN categorization has a purpose to support the academic mission.
  • Endowed activity in these spaces supports the academic mission of the unit it represents. A space with this EN categorization has a purpose to support the academic mission.
Note: If an Endowed College becomes a lead dean for a Contract College program, the space may need to be flagged as CC-(College) or CC-GNRLSRV. Verify flag with University Budget Office.
All assignable program areas supporting the academic mission.
Endowed College - Weill Cornell Medicine EN-WCM
  • Endowed activity in these spaces supports the academic mission of Weill Cornell Medicine. A space with this EN categorization has a purpose to support the academic mission.
Each facility at WCM has a one-room placeholder for WCM in the inventory system; these placeholder rooms should be flagged with EN-WCM.
Contract College - General Services CC-GNRLSRV
  • Space for contract college activity associated with central administrative units.
  • Space for central administrative contract college activity for which the maintenance and operations of the space are shared by Campus through the assessment.
Assignable program spaces supporting central administrative units.
Non-assignable spaces such as corridors, staircases, custodial storage, mechanical rooms.
Contract College (Select appropriate college) CC-CALS
  • Contract College activity in these spaces supports the academic mission of the selected college. A space with this CC categorization has a purpose to support the academic mission.
Note: If a Contract College becomes a lead dean for a centrally sponsored program, the space may need to be flagged as EN-COLL or EN-GNRLSRV. Verify flag with University Budget Office.
All assignable program areas supporting the academic mission.