Facilities Inventory: Methodology for Assigning Dept/Org Codes and the CC/EN Flag to Unclassified Non-Assignable and Data Processing-Computer Service Room Types
Purpose. Unclassified non-assignable and data processing-computer service room types should be coded consistently across the University (exclusive of Weill Cornell Medicine) to:
- Promote efficiencies and increase accuracy in room type coding;
- Support interpretation of coding, and
- Provide uniform data between budget models.
Dept/org room assignments for Unclassified Non-Assignable (UNA) room types should be determined through consideration of budgetary responsibility for spaces in the facility.
This method should be used for the following UNA room type codes:
Building Care Spaces | Mechanical Spaces |
010, Custodial Area | 029, Elevator Machine Room |
011, Fallout Shelter | 030, Mechanical Area |
020, Circulation Area | 035, Shaft |
021, Staircase | |
022, Elevators | |
024, Lobby | |
031, Public Toilet |
NOTE: 032, Private Toilet should be coded to the dept/org using the space. All bathrooms in secure Utilities buildings are, by definition, Private Toilets and should be assigned to the appropriate Utility department.
NOTE: Room types 050 (Incapable of Use), 060 (Alteration or Conversion Area) and 081 (Dept. Moved, Capable of Use) are all Unclassified Assignable room types. These rooms should be assigned to the occupying (stewarding) unit, not to central administration.
Building Care spaces (010-024, 031) are assigned based on their treatment in the Building Care model. UNA spaces occupied by (010) or cleaned by Cornell’s Building Care services should be assigned to org 5776, Building Care.
Mechanical spaces (029, 030, 035) are assigned based on their treatment in the Preventive and Corrective Maintenance model (PM/CM). UNA spaces covered under the PM/CM model should be assigned to org 5783, Maintenance Management. All other spaces should be assigned to the dept/org responsible for PM/CM in the facility.
For central campus, the UNA spaces in all buildings are assigned to 5783, Maintenance Management, with the following few exceptions: Statler Hotel, Statler Hall & Auditorium, Greeks, Co-operative Living Units, Real Estate managed facilities (which should be assigned to 581C, Real Estate Operations).
For many buildings, all UNA spaces will be treated in the same way (either part of the Budget Model and thus assigned to Facilities Management, or not part of the Budget Model and thus assigned to the occupying dept/org); however, there are some cases in which the Building Care spaces, and the mechanical spaces will be assigned differently (with one type assigned to Maintenance Management and the other to the dept/org). Differing assignments will be most common for off-campus (outside campus site code 29) buildings where FCS Building Care service becomes less common, but buildings are still in the Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Model.
Assignment of Spaces in Buildings that contain 100% rooms identified as Unclassified Non-AssignableCertain buildings contain only UNA room types, e.g., electrical substations, pump houses, bath houses. The rooms in such facilities should be assigned to the dept/org responsible for operating the facility.
Assigning Data Processing – Computer Service Room Type (715)The 715 room type is used for telecom and building distribution rooms and should always be assigned to CIT (Org Code 3808) when the room is operated and/or maintained by CIT. The 715 room type should be assigned to the responsible unit if not CIT. Within Site Code 29, most of the 715 rooms are assigned to CIT.
Setting the CC/EN Flag on UNA and 715 Room TypesThe CC/EN Flag in the Facilities Inventory system should be used to provide more detailed information about the financial responsibility for the space, distinguishing endowed from contract college spaces1. Each UNA or 715 Room Type space should be flagged as Contract College or Endowed based on the paradigm outlined in the following table, unless a more specific determination can be made regarding an appropriate proration of the space. In the cases of more specific determinations, the CC/EN flag should follow the space assignment proration.
If the facility is asset assignment: | And the primary university division occupant is: | Then the CC/EN flag for the space should be assigned as: |
0 Endowed (Non-Weill CM) | Endowed | EN-General Services |
0 Endowed (Non-Weill CM) | Contract College 2 | 50/50 EN-General Services/CC-General Services |
2 College Asset/College Financed | Contract College | CC-General Services |
3 College Asset/State Financed | Contract College | CC-General Services |
4.1 NYS Owned/SUNY | Endowed 3,4 | 50/50 EN-General Services/CC-General Services |
4.1 NYS Owned/SUNY | Contract College | CC-General Services |
4.2 NYS Owned/SUNY (Other SUNY) | Contract College | CC-General Services |
5 State Owned/Other | Contract College | CC-General Services |
8.1 Federal Government | Contract College | Pending understanding of financial arrangements |
8.2 State (non-NYS) | Contract College | CC-General Services |
8.3 Local Government (All States) | Contract College | CC-General Services |
8.3 Local Government (All States) | Endowed 5 | EN-General Services |
9.1 Outside Agency/Commercial | Endowed | If the lease includes access to UNA or 715 spaces, those spaces should be assigned to the occupying unit and the appropriate EN flag should be activated. |
9.1 Outside Agency/Commercial | Contract College | If the lease includes access to UNA or 715 spaces, those spaces should be assigned to the occupying unit and the appropriate CC flag should be activated. |
9.2 Outside Agency/Non-profit | Contract College | CC-General Services |
9.2 Outside Agency/Non-profit | Endowed Enterprise 6/a | EN-General Enterprise |
[1] See CC/EN Space Code Categorization guidance document.
[2] As of FY21, this list includes 1019A Biological Sciences, 1019E Dale Corson Hall, 1165 East Campus Research Facility, 2011 Stimson Hall, and 2800C Liddell Laboratory.
[3] As of FY21, this list includes 1001 Barton, 1024 Bailey, and 1024A Bailey Hall Addition.
[4] 1011P, Forest Home Drive Garage, is a state facility with primary occupancy by endowed, but is under a separate share agreement documented in the Facilities Archives.
[5] 5114, Ithaca HS Heat Exchange Bldg, is the only facility in this category; because it is a building with only one room and the room is non-assignable, the space needs to be assigned to the dept/org responsible for operating the facility (5731 – Utility Specialized Service Centers).
[6] 4759, West Ave 104, Kosher Din, is the only facility in this category.
These lists will be confirmed regularly by Space Planning and this document will be updated when required.