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Cornell University

Facilities Inventory: Top Changes for 2024

Last updated:  February 6, 2024

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What has not changed:

  • Your access permissions.
  • Your list of rooms and the data about departments, room types, and function codes which you entered last year.
  • The annual schedule.
  • The two-step process where users update rooms, and org admins complete the process by changing the room status.
  • The requirement to keep records of researchers and their awards for every room where organized research takes place.
  • Printable PDF floor plans continue to be available from the "Find Facility Information" web page.  This web site was redesigned in Fall 2023.
  • The Facilities Information Group needs to set access permissions for new users before they will be able to log in.  Write to the "org admin" for your college or division to request access changes.

Here are the top six changes:

  1. The location of the facilities inventory has changed from to
  2. We are now using FMS:Workplace, a software program from FM:Systems, a company which specializes in facility-management solutions. Our implementation partner is JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated).  All screens in the new system have a different look and feel.
  3. Colored online floor plans are available for most active facilities which show room use in different ways, for example, by room type or department.
  4. To download a list of rooms or facility data to a spreadsheet, we will use Oracle Analytics Server (OAS) reports.
  5. It is no longer necessary to enter start or end dates for departments, function codes, or room occupants, a big simplification.
  6. It is no longer possible to enter information such as account numbers for research awards.  These records still need to be created and retained for rooms where organized research activities take place and will not be entered into the facilities inventory.