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Cornell University

Facilities Inventory: Resolving Errors


Draft: January 12, 2024

Back to the Facilities Inventory Documentation 

The facilities inventory system is used to track physical space inventory. The university follows Policy 2.7, “Reporting the Use of Facilities” for all space tracking. 

The facilities inventory system uses validation rules to ensure inventory data aligns with university policy. 

Red indicates a required field.

Station Quantity Errors

1.      "Please enter a station quantity." Certain room types require a station quantity. This error indicates that a station quantity is required. 

To clear the error:

  • Enter an accurate station quantity for the space

2.      "The station quantity must be numeric." For more information on station quantity...

To clear the error:

  • Enter a numeric station quantity and save changes.

3.      "This room type requires at least one station." Certain room types require a station quantity. This error indicates that a station quantity is required. For more information on station quantity....

To clear the error:

  • Enter the appropriate station count, greater than one, and save changes.

4.      "This room type and function requires at least one station."

For more information on station quantity see the “Maximum Occupancy/Station Quantity” documentation.To clear the error:

  • Enter a station quantity and save changes.

Floor and Area Errors

5.      "Please enter a floor, it cannot be less than 0."

To clear the error:

  • Enter a floor number and save changes.

6.      "The net area (Sq. Ft.) must be numeric."

To clear the error:

  • Enter a numeric value for net area, and save changes.

Room Type Errors

22.  "Please select a room type." Rooms must have a room type selected. For more information on Room Types see “Room Type Coding”.

To clear the error:

  • Select the appropriate room type for the space/

Org Errors

7.      "Please enter a percentage for this ORG, must be between 0 and 100." To clear the error:

  • Enter the percentage for the ORG and save changes. More information on ORG presences can be found at “Changing/Adding Org Code Information”.

12. "Room Status must be ACTIVE to change Room-ORG Status."

To clear the error:

  • Verify the correct start date for the space. More information on end dates and start dates can be found under Dates and Percentages.

13.  "All ORGS must be OPEN to change Room Status."

Rooms cannot be in Hold, Freeze or Deep Freeze to change room status.To clear the error:

  • Move the room to Open status and then make necessary changes.

14.  "Please Select an ORG." All inventoried spaces must be assigned an Org code. The org code is the identifier that indicates the department occupying the space.

To clear the error:

  • Enter the appropriate org code for the space

Function Code Errors

15.  "Please Select a Function." Rooms must have a function code associated with the space.

To clear the error:

  • Select the appropriate function code for the space

23.   "Please enter a percentage for this function, must be between 0 and 100."

To clear the error:

  • Enter the percentage this function is used within the space.

17.  "The net area of the rooms in this facility exceeds the facility's gross area." <To clear the error:

  • Check the net area and/or gross area of the space and make necessary corrections.

26.  "Orgs have Parent/Child Relationship." Keep space for one organization assigned all at the same level. If space for a single unit is assigned at both the ‘D’ and ‘S’ level there is an opportunity that searches will not return complete data or will return too much data.  It is the Org Admin’s responsibility to make sure that their space is assigned at the correct level.

If you add a new org that is a section within an existing department org you have an un-allowed parent/child relationship.  The system sees these two orgs as the same.  The error code below results: Orgs have Parent/Child Relationship"

To clear the error:

  • Change the org code you added to one outside the parent/child relationship
  • Change the original org code to the same level as the one you’re adding

Allowable combinations:

  • D level
  • D level
  • D level
  • S level outside the D level relationship
  • S level
  • S level in same D level family
  • S level
  • S level outside D level family

This applies to all section and subsection levels

REMEMBER:  All of the space for a single org family should be assigned at the same level!!  You won’t get an error message for this condition.

27.  "Please Select a Function." Rooms must have a function code selected. 

To clear the error:

  • Select the appropriate function code for the space

28.   "Please Select a CC/EN Value." Rooms must have a CC/EN value selected. The CC/EN value identifies the funding source for the function/activity occupying that room, or portion of the room.

To clear the error:

  • Select the appropriate CC/EN value for the space

30.   "The sum of all function prorations within an ORG must be 100 throughout the year." The functions within a space must add up to 100% within EACH org.

To clear the error:

  • Review each Org Code and make sure that the functions total 100%

31.  "A function cannot have a 0% proration." Functions must be greater than 0%

To clear the error:

  • If the function is no longer being used in a space delete the function
  • If the function is being used in a space allocate the appropriate percentage of use to the function

32.  "The total room Sq. Ft. must be greater than 0."

33.  "This function is not allowed for this room type”

For a list of room types and function codes, see Room Types and Function Codes.

To clear the error:

  • Enter an appropriate function code / room type combination

34.  "This room type requires a station quantity." For more information on station quantity see the “Maximum Occupancy/Station Quantity” documentation.

To clear the error:

  • Enter an accurate station quantity for the space

35.  "This room type requires you have the following function(s): (code) "For a list of room types and function codes, see Room Types and Function Codes.

To clear the error:

  • Enter the indicated function code

37.  "A function was used more than once on the same date, this is not allowed."

To clear the error:

  • Remove the duplicate function.

40.  "Rooms with Research Functions must have Research Substantiation and a PI as an Occupant-Type." Spaces coded to Function 2.1 and 2.2 must have an occupant type of PI added to the room. More information on “Occupancy Research” can be found at Facilities Inventory Occupancy Research.

To clear the error:

  • Select the Occupancy/Research button
  • Enter the NetID of the occupant and Occupant Type of PI
  • Enter the Start Date of Occupancy

41.  "Rooms with Research Substantiation and a PI as an Occupant-Type Must Have A Research Function." More information on “Occupancy Research” can be found at Facilities Inventory Occupancy Research.

To clear the error:

  • Rooms with research substantiation and a PI as an occupant must also have a research function of type 2.1 or 2.2.   

Errors Specific to Creating New Rooms

44.  "Please select a facility."

45.  "Please enter a room number."

46.  "This room is already documented. Please enter a different room.”

47.  "The total room Sq. Ft. must be greater than 0."