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Cornell University

Facilities Inventory: Cycle End Audit for Organizational Administrators

Last updated: April 28, 2022
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1.       Search for inconsistencies in org start and end dates

2.       Review Room Type and Function Codes for 9.1 inconsistencies

3.       Review CC/EN values

1. Review your orgs start and end dates:  These instructions will help you find the overlaps or gaps in your org presence dates.  (If you have to make date corrections to a room already in ‘Freeze’ and have trouble please let us know.)

  1. Run the PSI report for appropriate C level org.
  2. When you open the report it will be in facility code/room order, and will have multiple rows for split rooms (this is helpful).
  3. Sort the entire list by end date (the orgs with no end date 0/0/0) will sort to the bottom.
  4. Highlight the rows that have end dates.
  5. Resort the list by facility code and room number.
  6. Now you can quickly page through your report to find the areas of highlighted rows.
  7. The highlighted rows will be mixed with non-highlighted rows.  Read the dates, and check for gaps, examples below:

Example of no date gaps:                                                       Example with gaps:

The highlighted rows will be mixed with non-highlighted rows.  Read the dates, and check for gaps, examples below: Example of no date gaps:				Example with gaps:
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2. Review Room Type and Function Codes for Function Code 9.1 assigned to Room Types other than Unclassified Facilities (Non-Assignable)

  1. Function Code 9.1 Building Space (non-assignable only) should not be assigned to any room types other than Unclassified Facilities (Non-Assignable).
    1. Run the PSI report (see instructions in 5, above).
      1. Filter the Report, selecting Function Code 9.1.
      2. Filter Room Type, selecting all room types OTHER than Unclassified Facilities (Non-Assignable) (i.e. 010, 011, 020, 021, 022, 024, 029, 030, 031, 032, 035).
        1. The remaining rooms may require a correction to either the Room Type or Function Code.
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3. Review CC/EN Values: Update your finance department representative:

  1. Review CC/EN values:  Run the PSI report for the appropriate Org.
    1. Export as .csv
    2. Filter on CC/EN value
      1. If Endowed filter for CC/EN values associated with CC (Contract Colleges)
      2. Review rooms you consider anomalies with your finance department representative.
    3. If Contract Colleges filter for CC/EN values associated with EN (Endowed).
    4. Review rooms you consider anomalies with your finance department representative.
    5. Run the standard “College Finance Officers Budget Report_Building” in Oracle Analytics.
      1. Run current and prior fiscal year to compare changes in allocated space.
      2. Export as a report and review with finance department representative if there are significant changes in net area that you are accountable for.
    6. If your finance department representative needs additional detail you can run and export for them “College Finance Officers Budget Report_Org”.
      1. All finance department representatives should have access to Oracle Analytics if you prefer to point them to the reports so they can run them themselves.