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Cornell University

Facilities Inventory: BCI Data Field Descriptions

Below is a key showing a New Facility Request Form.  Each of the data fields are numbered with the descriptions in the list below.

Key showing New Facility Request Form  Each of the data filds are numbered with descriptions in pages that follow

1. Facility Start Date: (Record creation date) Date record was created
  1. The date a facility is entered into the system.  This is not an acquisition, occupancy, or construction date.
2. Facility contains rooms in service:
  1. A note that indicates that the building contains rooms in Active status.
  2. When a building is obsolete the ‘Facility contains rooms in active service’ is replaced by a facilities ‘Status Code’ indicating whether the building is [D] Demolished, [N] Never Built, [S] Sold, or [T] Terminated.
3. "View General Facility Notes" link:
  1. Contains all comments/remarks regarding a building or changes to data about a building that doesn’t fit within the other notes categories (location, obsoletion, reactivation, asset).

Facility Name/Type

                                                                                                                                  4. Facility Name:
  1. Unique name referenced by central databases. 
  2. Limited to 30 characters.
  3. If the name includes a person’s name, it will require approval by the Committee for Names and Memorials. Contact the University Planner for procedures and additional information.  FI cannot publish this name until receipt of committee approval via the University Planner.
  4. Facilities Inventory reserves the right to re-order and shorten, if necessary, the database name content to fit naming protocols.
5. Facility full name:
  1. Limited to 500 characters.
  2. Official name without abbreviations.
  3. If the name is the same as Facility Name, field #4, this can be left blank.
  4. If the name includes a person’s name, it will require approval by the Committee for Names and Memorials. Contact the University Planner for procedures and additional information.  FI cannot publish this name until receipt of committee approval via the University Planner.
6. Facility Short Name:
  1. Limited to 15 characters.
  2. The short database name will appear in job cost, on invoices and tickets.
  3. Facilities Inventory reserves the right to re-order and shorten, if necessary, the short database name content to fit naming protocols.
7. "Nicknames" link:
  1. Includes a list of commonly known nicknames and names previously held by the facility.
  2. Limited to 100 characters per name.
  3. There is no limit to the number of names.
  4. List nicknames, aka (also known as), and previous names.
8. "SUNY Parking Inventory" link:
  1. Parking lot and parking space inventory required for SUNY reporting.
  2. Includes lots on land owned by SUNY as well as those on central campus that are used by state employees.
9. CU Directory:
  1. Matches the 30-character name but is only populated when a building is a primary location for staff in buildings within Tompkins County.
  2. The name of this building from field #4 above will be made available in “Who I Am” for business address.

See the Building Type and Subtype Matrix for further clarifications of the choices below in #10 and 11):

10.  Facility Type: Identifies whether a facility code is identified with a building or something that is not a building.
  1. Facility type codes:
    • [B]    Building
    • [N]    Non Building
11.  Facility Subtype: Identifies the kind of building or non-building.

Subtype CodeSubtype Description
[D]Design Development
[E]Leased to Cornell
[G]Other non-buildings
[H]CU lease to others
[O]Owned and occupied
[T]Tracked f/Admin use
[U]Utilities and Fuel Systems
[Z]Outside housing
12.  Leases:
  1. Contains all comments/remarks regarding about lease information for a building.
  2. If known include:
    1. CU Real Estate lease number,
    2. Other lease number,
    3. Lease start date
    4. Lease end date
    5. Leased NSF
    6. Departmental organization occupying the space

Facilities Location Information

Items marked with "*" are the address fields required to locate a facility for emergency response.  Character limits conform to national standards for address formats. 
  • Addresses in Tompkins County will be confirmed with local municipalities by Environmental Health & Safety and Facilities Inventory.
  • If your facility is located within Tompkins County and you don’t know the address, one will be provided for you.
13.  Street number*:
  1. Limited to 10 characters. 
14.  Prefix Directional Cd*:
  1. Street name prefix such as "E" for East Main.
15.  Draft (check box):
  1. Indicates whether the location or address information regarding a facility is preliminary. 
  2. All official addresses have been approved by the appropriate local agency.
16.  Street name*:
  1. Limited to 60 characters.
17.  Street name suffix*:
  1. Limited to 4 characters. 
  2. Enter street name suffix such as "St" for "Street", "Rd" for "Road", etc. 
18.  City*:
  1. Limited to 32 characters
  2. Enter the name of the city used by the U.S. Postal Service
19.  Municipality*:
  1. Limited to 32 characters. 
  2. Enter the name of the village, township, or city where the building is located geographically. This does not necessarily match the "city" in the mailing address. In the case of privately-owned buildings, this municipality issues building permits.
20.  County*:
  1. Enter the name of the county.
  2. Limited to 32 characters
Please note that the borough or county may be used when referencing facilities located in NYC.
NYC BoroughNYC County
ManhattanNew York County
BronxBronx County
BrooklynKings County
QueensQueens County
Staten IslandRichmond County
21.  State*:
  1. If the facility is within the United States, enter the two-letter state abbreviation.
  2. If outside the United States, leave this field blank.
22.  Postal Code:
  1. Provide the five character postal / zip code
23.  Country*:
  1. If US, enter United States.
  2. Enter the country name.
24.  View Location Notes (link):
  1. Written description of where a facility is located giving orientation relative to other known geographic features.
25.  Location code
  • [C]   Ithaca Core Campus defines the primary academic area:
    Bounded on the north by Fall Creek Gorge, the west by a line drawn down the center of Libe Slope inclusive of Cascadilla Hall, on the south by Cascadilla Gorge until it meets Rt. 366, on the east by a line drawn through the center of Caldwell Field connecting Rt. 366 and Fall Creek.
  • [G]    Geneva located at the Geneva campus in NY.
  • [I]     Ithaca Fringe Campus (Tompkins County) contains everything in Tompkins County but outside Ithaca Core Campus.
  • [M]   Weill Cornell Medical College contains all NYC facilities related to the medical college.
  • [O]   Off Campus includes all facilities not contained within the other location codes.
26.  Campus Zone:
  1. CC – Contract College
  2. EN – Endowed
  3. SA – Student Academic Services
  4. NA – Not Applicable
27.  Campus Site:
  1. The foundation of these geographic groupings is the Campus Planning Office’s 1990 Precinct Locations. Since these locations only covered building close to campus the groupings were extended to include all locations.
  2. For facilities outside the above map area, refer to column one of the CU Satellite Campus Code List
  3. For a map of the ‘1990 Precinct Locations’ and list of the ‘CU Satellite Campus Codes’, see the code list under “Facilities Page Field Descriptions” at
28.  Master Plan Zone/Precinct:
  1. All facilities must reside in a Master Plan Zone/Precinct as defined by their geographic location, otherwise “Out of Zone” must be assigned.
  2. See the full list of Master Plan Zone/Precincts in the appendix.
29.  CU Historic Building:
  • [L] Local Landmark
  • [LS] Local Landmark and State Register
  • [LN] Local Landmark and National Register
  • [LSN] Local Landmark, State Register, and National Register
  • [S] State Register
  • [SN] State and National Registers
  • [N] National Register
  • [NL] Not Listed as Landmark
30.  CU Historic District:
  • [A] Arts Quad, Local
  • [C] Clinton Block, Local
  • [H] Cornell Heights, National
  • [D] Dewitt Park, National
  • [P] Dewitt Park, Local
  • [B] Dewitt Park, Local and National
  • [E] East Hill, National
  • [F] Forest Home, National
  • [U] University Hill, Local
  • [NL] Not located within a district
31.  Fire District:
  1. Enter the name of the fire district where the facility is located.
  2. If the facility is located in Tompkins County and you’re unclear about which fire district your facility is located in, contact Environmental Health and Safety at 254-1634.
32.  Police Jurisdiction:
  1. Enter the name of the police jurisdiction that responds to the facility.
  2. If the facility is located in Tompkins County and you’re unclear of police jurisdiction contact CU Police at 255-1111.
33.  Ambulance first response:
  1. Enter the name of the ambulance service that responds to your facility in the event of a medical emergency.
  2. If the facility is located in Tompkins County and you’re unclear about which ambulance service serves your facility, contact Environmental Health and Safety at 254-1634.

Facilities Reactivation

34.  Facility Restart Date (Record Reactivation Date):
  1. The date when a formerly obsoleted facility becomes active again.  Circumstances where this happens:
    1. A leased facility where all of the CU occupants had vacated (the facility went to obsolete) and now it is being leased again.  In this case the obsoletion notes would include the start and end dates of the former occupancy, and start occupancy date would be updated for the new tenants.
    2. Examples: re-leasing (4759), or re-purchase (4052), re-acquisition (2534C), or re-purposing building fragments leftover from demolition (2608), or obsoleted in error (2063), or sold the building but then re-occupied (2113).
    3. A construction trailer that was sold or terminated and then put back into service.
35.  View Re-activation Notes (link):
  1. Comments/remarks about how a facility made the transition from obsolete to being put back into service.
36.  View notes:
  1. This link runs a search and returns notes of all types on the facility.
37.  Show Room Detail:
  1. Shows all notes regarding a space.
38.  Show all rooms in a facility:
  1. Same as the Show Room Detail.
  2. These are provided in two places for ease of navigation.
39.  Search for rooms in Facility:
  1. Link returns the ‘Room Search’ page pre-populated with the facility code.

Organizational Information:

40.   Approving Organization:
  1. Generally this is the organization responsible for final sign off on the paperwork submitted to assign a new facility code. 
  2. This does not imply ownership of the building; it is simply to track the facility code assignment paperwork in the event there are future questions.
  3. Facilities Inventory can assist in cases where the code is being assigned for a non-academic building or a shared academic building, and the responsible organization is not clear.
41.  Approval Date: Date provided by the college/division for the original contents of the facility record (the current contents of the record may not reflect the original form since updates make revisions).

42.  Asset Assignment:
  1. See the Asset Assignment Chart.
43.  View Facility Asset Notes (link):
  1. Briefly describe the financial arrangements/agreements connected with the purchase or construction of the facility.
  2. If available, provide a PAR, account, SUCF project number or other documentation supporting the Cornell or State funding source.
44.  Asset Ownership Flag: Used by the Inventory Office.

45.  Financial Responsibility:  (Maintenance & Operations) This section is currently under review and possible revision.  Reflects financial responsibility for maintenance and operations.
  1. Contract College space administrators should consult with Facilities Inventory for assistance.
  2. For A, G, H, L, and V:  financial responsibility source is college and/or other non-state funds
  3. For R: source of funds may include state funds, indirect cost recovery, or other non-state funds on behalf of all contract colleges
  4. For B: state and endowed financial responsibility for maintenance and operations, e.g., Biotech Building
    [A]    Agriculture & Life Sciences/Ithaca
    [B]    Both state and endowed
    [E]    Endowed
    [F]    Federal Government
    [G]    Agriculture & Life Sciences/Geneva
    [H]    Human Ecology
    [I]     Investment Real Estate
    [L]    Industrial & Labor Relations
    [M]   Outside Agency
    [N]    Non-Investment Real Estate
    [R]    Contract College General Services
    [S]    State of NY
    [V]    Veterinary Medicine
46.  Authority Having Jurisdiction:
Authority issuing building permits and certificates of occupancy.   "Contract College Facilities" is used for those buildings under the jurisdiction of NYS.

Start up dates:

47.  Acquisition Date:
  1. Estimated acquisition date or:
  2. Date of building purchase or university takes possession.
48.  Occupancy Date:
  1. Generally, applies to when a lease is occupied
  2. Except for buildings with no dates at all prior to ~2011, this field may carry a 1985 date which was the date the original inventory mainframe system was started.
  3. WCM building dates all go in this field with the first date of the reporting cycle of the fiscal year (unless an actual occupancy or purchase date is provided {4649A}).
49.  Construction Date:
  1. Date of temporary or final certificate of occupancy. In ~2011 this field may have also been populated with the best guess based on any available records, or the date held by SUNY.
  2. In the absence of those records it is the date that is best guess on record from a reasonably authoritative source.


50.  Gross Area:
a.       The sum of all areas on all floors of a building included within the outside faces of the exterior walls, including floor penetration areas for circulation and shaft areas that connect one floor to another.

b.      Gross area for leased building is not collected. See BCI Data Form Fields item #7 for how gross area is calculated and reported to SUNY for leased and endowed buildings occupied by Contract College departments.

51.  Gross Source:
[A]    Project Management - if estimated by building designer or from construction plans (this field was formerly Architectural Services)
[B]    Cornell Lands & Buildings Book
[C]    Contracts or Construction Office
[E]    Estimated by the Facilities Inventory Data Analyst or provided to Data Analyst by College Facilities Office
[I]     Risk Management Office
[J]     Staff at NYSAES at Geneva
[M]   Weill Cornell Medical College
[P]    Facilities Space Inventory Plans
[R]    Real Estate Office
[U]    Utilities Department
[W]   Maintenance Management
52.  Calculated Room Actual Net:
a.       Area calculated by adding the net square footage of all the rooms in a building that do NOT have the ‘estimated NSF’ flag selected.

53.  Est. Net Bldg. in Design:

a.       The estimated total net area of a building while it is in design.

b.      This number is not removed when the other net area data fields are populated.

54.  Assignable Net Area:

a.       Net area calculated by summing all the room net square footage for all the room types excluding room types:

010  Custodial Area

011  Fallout Shelter

020  Circulation Area

021 Stairs

022  Elevator

024  Lobby

029 Elevator Machine Room

030  Mechanical Area

031  Public Toilet

032  Private Toilet

035  Shaft Area

55.  Construction type:
[01]   Wood-frame construction
[02]   Wood-frame with masonry veneer construction.
[03]   Load-bearing masonry walls and wood construction.
[04]   Load-bearing masonry walls and steel construction.
[05]   Steel skeleton with masonry walls construction.
[06]   Lift-slab reinforced concrete construction.
[07]   Reinforced concrete construction.
[08]   Quonsets and other steel buildings.
[09]   Miscellaneous (other) construction
[10]   TBD

56.  Number of Elevators:
a.       Enter a whole number for the number of elevators. 
b.      Includes freight elevators and lifts.
c.       Enter zero if there is none.

57.  Construction cost:
a.       The original construction cost (including building additions) including Group I and II equipment costs (in thousands). 

58.  Functional Replacement Value
a.       The estimated cost to replace the building at the time of inventory. 
b.      Determined in terms of the cost to replace the building’s assignable floor area at current construction costs in accordance with current building codes, standard construction methods, and currently accepted practices and policies of the institution.

59.  Last Calculated On:
a.       The date that the Functional Replacement Value was last calculated

60.  SFAAS Category
a.       Used in the Statewide Fixed Asset Accounting System via SUNY reporting, also used in calculating facility asset value for NYS
b.      See the SFAAS Code Definitions and Examples

61.  Occupants paid on a Contract College Account:
a.       Yes if the building occupied by anyone paid on a Contract College account. The system will record "Yes", otherwise the field will register "No". There is no manual data entry in this field.

62.  Last Updated: An auto-filled field with date of last update.

Building Characteristics Inventory (BCI) for SUNY

The following fields are required if the facility is occupied by anyone paid on a contract college account.

63.  BCI Data: See BCI field descriptions below:

64.  BCI SUNY-View: Summary view of the required BCI data that must be completed on the BCI Data link. See BCI field descriptions below.

Facilities Obsoletion Information:

65.  Facility End Date:
a.       Date that the facility obsoletion information was entered.  This date will generally be after subsequent obsoletion dates in ‘termination’, ‘demolition’, and ‘sold’.

66.  Termination Date:
a.       Generally refers to a lease expiration date, however this data field will also be used for estimated dates when facilities (i.e. trailers) are removed from campus and neither demolished nor sold.

67.  Demolition Date:
a.       Date a facility was torn down.

68.  Sold Date:
a.       Date a facility was sold.

69.  View Obsoletion Notes (link):
a.       Comments/remarks about how a facility made the transition to obsolete.

BCI Data field descriptions:

Below is a key showing the BCI Data Detail page.  Each of the data fields are numbered with the descriptions in the pages that follow.

Each of the data fields are numbered with the descriptions in the pages that follow.

BCI Data Form Fields

1.      Cornell Campus Code:

a.       28430 is the campus code required by SUNY for space reporting.

b.      This number is hard coded into the system and never changes.

2.      College Code:

[2845]   Agriculture & Life Sciences/Ithaca

[2846]   Agriculture & Life Sciences/Geneva

[2847]   Human Ecology

[2848]   Industrial & Labor Relations

[2849]   Veterinary Medicine

[2850]   General Services

3.      SUNY Building Name

a.       The institutional name of the building

b.      Note: When reporting a dormitory or dining hall that has a stage number, please show the stage number after the name (for example, Smith Hall-Dorm Stage XII)

4.      SUNY Ownership:

 [01]   Owned fee simple (owned outright)

[04]   Not owned by SUNY, but leased or rented to SUNY at a typical local rate [Note:  This code should be used when payment is relatively equivalent to prevailing market rate and the relationship involves a formal, binding lease or rental agreement that imposes certain limits or constraints on SUNY]

[05]   Not owned by SUNY, but made available to SUNY at no cost or at a nominal rate [Note:  This code should be used when payment is below prevailing market rate and/or the relationship is less formal and binding than the one described in 04; the relationship may still involve payment but it may be month-to-month versus a longer-term commitment]

[06]   Not owned by SUNY, but shared with an educational organization that is not a post-secondary educational institution

[07]   Not owned by SUNY, but shared with another post-secondary educational institution [Note:  The majority of contract college buildings should be coded 07 if they are not leased or bound by other arrangements with another state agency or with SUNY]

[08]   Other (e.g., not owned by SUNY, but shared with a non-educational institution) [Note:  This code should be used when there payment is below prevailing market rate (including no payment) and the space is otherwise non-educational, e.g., consider this code when a CCE area specialist occupies space at no fee in a county office building; this code should be rarely used]

5.      Asset Assignment:

a.       This field is auto-filled from the primary facility data screen

[0]   Endowed (non- Weill Cornell Medical College)

[1]   Weill Cornell Medical College

[2]   College Asset/College Financed

[3]   College Asset/State Financed

[4]   Stated owned/SUNY

[5]   State owned/Funded by agency other than SUNY

[8]   Federal Government

b.        [9] Outside Agency

6.      Major use:

a.       Defines the major use or function of the building. Valid entries are as follows:

  [01]  Instructional Departments/Labs/Offices/Research/Support

[02]   Campus-Wide Facilities - Classrooms/Lecture Halls/ Seminar Rooms

[03]   Instructional Resources and Service Facilities

[04]   Computer and Data Processing and Service Facilities

[05]   Library

[06]   Health & Physical Education - Recreation & Athletics

[07]   Student, Faculty, and Staff Activities

[08]   Student Health Services

[09]   Assembly & Exhibition

[10]   General Administration

[11]   Maintenance & Operation; Campus-wide Service Facility

[12]   Dormitory (Intended for Student Housing & Support only)

[13]   Dining

[14]   Utility Plant (i.e., heating, chilled water, water filtration) As described in SUNY documentation as “Heating Plant”

[15]   Organized Activities (Includes Demonstration Schools, Hospitals, and Farm Buildings)

[16]   Organized Research

[17]   Public Service

[18]   Parking Structure (Public structure for students, faculty and community - do not include Maintenance Garage & Garages with residences)

[19]   Residence (House, Dormitory or other type of dwelling intended for other than student housing.

7.      SUNY Calculated Gross

a.       Gross area for buildings occupied by SUNY departments is submitted to SUNY as follows:

·   If the building has not been measured by the Facilities Inventory Office the gross area is calculated as the net times 1.34 (calculated gross).

·         Endowed buildings that are occupied by Contract College departments are   submitted to SUNY as leased space. In this circumstance the results of the calculated gross are compared to the measured gross of the building. If the calculated gross exceeds the measured gross the measured gross is submitted

8.      Gross Area

a.       This field is auto-filled from the primary facility data screen

9.      Occupancy Date:

a.       This field is auto-filled from the primary facility data screen

b.      The date of initial building occupancy by the campus (MMYYYY)

10.  Construction Date:

a.       This field is auto-filled from the primary facility data screen

b.      The date of completion of construction (MMYYYY)

11.  Condition code:

[01]   Satisfactory:  Suitable for continued use with normal maintenance

[02]   Remodeling A:  Requires restoration to present acceptable standards without Major room use changes, alterations, modernizations.   The approximate cost of Remodeling A is not greater than 25% of the estimated replacement cost of the building

[03]   Remodeling B:  Requires major updating and/or modernization of the building.  Approx. cost of Remodeling B is greater than 25%, but not greater than 50% of the estimated replacement cost of the building

[04]   Remodeling C:  Requires major remodeling of the building.  The approx. cost of Remodeling C is greater than 50% of the replacement cost of the building

[05]   Demolition:  Should be demolished or abandoned because the building is unsafe or structurally unsound, irrespective of the need for the space or the availability of funds for a replacement

[06]   Termination:  Planned termination or relinquishment of occupancy of the building for reasons other than safety of structural soundness

12.  Construction Type

a.       This field is auto-filled from the primary facility data screen

13.  Style of construction:

[A]    OLD MAIN:  Constructed pre-WWII.  Brick exterior walls, wood double hung windows, pitched roofs with slate or metal roof coverting, wood exterior doors, interior plastered walls and ceilings, mix of interior floor surfaces, wood, asphalt tile, terrazzo and ceramic tile in toilet areas

[B]    CURTAIN WALL:  Constructed post WWII.  Some brick exterior, major portion of exterior wall system of metal tubing with glass and spandrel panels of glass or metal

[C]    MASONRY:  Brick or other masonry exterior walls

[D]    CONCRETE:  Precast or poured-in-place concrete exterior walls

[E]    WOOD or METAL:  This style is reserved for the small utility type buildings and frame residential

[F]    PARKING STRUCTURES:  Steel or concrete frame, concrete floor and ceiling system, concrete envelope, minor utilitarian partition finishes and mechanical/electrical systems

[G]    AIR STRUCTURE:  Inflatable structure in which the roof, and often the walls and roof are made of fabric.  The fabric is held in place by mechanically induced air pressure.

14.  Construction Cost:

a.       This field is auto-filled from the primary facility data screen

15.  Above Ground Floors:

a.       The number of floors at and above grade level.

16.  Below Grade Floors:

a.       The number of floors below grade level.

17.  Number of Elevators

a.       The total number of elevators (passenger and freight)

18.  Heating Central:

a.       Indicates building has heat source from central heating plant (i.e. outside the building).

19.  AC Central

a.       Indicates building has air conditioning source from central chiller plant (i.e. outside building).

20.  Stand-by Generation:

a.       The building has standby electrical generation capability.

21.  Roof Area:

a.       The area of the roof in square feet.

b.      Could be calculated based on field dimensions or construction drawings, in the absence of that information the number can be based on the gross area of the top floor.

c.       This value will be updated when there are measured values available from the Facilities Maintenance Management’s Roof Program.

22.  SUNY Location code:

a.       Defines the location of this building in relation to the main campus area. Valid entries are as follows:

[01]   Located on the main campus, or in the same general community as the main campus. If the main buildings are not within reasonable commuting distance, the “Code” should read “11.

[02]   Located on a branch or specialized campus (physically separated from the main campus), which PREDOMINANTLY offers and undergraduate program or less than four years and has dean or other administrative head.  If branch buildings are not within reasonable commuting distance, the Code should read “12”.

[03]   Located on a branch or specialized campus (physically separated from the main campus) that is not restricted to an undergraduate program of LESS THAN FOUR YEARS and has a dean or other administrative head. If branch buildings are not within reasonable commuting distance, the Code should read “13”.

[04]    Located at a separate center offering ONLY an extension or continuation study program. This classification is for a variety of arrangements provided for off-campus courses, relatively remote to the “parent” institution, in which classes, institutes, or lecture series of an institution are established with some permanency, but with limitations on the amount and type of credits applicable to a degree. Ordinarily such a center will be “located beyond a reasonable commuting distance from the main campus” and will be coded “14”.

[13]    Branch buildings that IS NOT RESTRICTED to an undergraduate program of LESS THAN FOUR YEARS and has a dean or other administrative head and is NOT within reasonable commuting distance.

[14]    This classification is for a variety of arrangements provided for off-campus courses, relatively remote to the “parent” institution, in which classes, institutes, or lecture series of an institution are established with some permanency, but with limitations on the amount and type of credits applicable to a degree. NOT within reasonable commuting distance of main campus.

23.  Campus Site

a.       This field is auto-filled from the primary facility data screen

24.  Map Sequence Number

a.       The number is assigned by SUNY based on the nearest SUNY owned building and is used to aggregate their buildings geographically.

25.  SUNY Nearest Building

a.       SUNY nearest building is dependent on the Map Sequence number and is the SUNY building located closest to the Map Sequence number.

26.  SFAAS Category

a.       Used in the Statewide Fixed Asset Accounting System via SUNY reporting, also used in calculating facility asset value for NYS. This field is entered on the Facility Information page.

27.  Hospital Function

a.       Hospital Function

28.  Special Building

[A]       Air Structure

[C]       Campus Schools

[D]       Mixed Discipline

[E]       Engineering

[F]       Fieldhouse

[G]       Non-Residence President Facility

[H]       Heating Plant

[I]        Incubator

[J]    Parking Structure* SUNY [X]

[L]       Hospital

[M]      Math

[N]       Nurses Residence

[P]       Presidents Residence

[R]       Non-Student Housing

[X]       Not a Special Structure*

[Y]       Science Building

*The Cornell Inventory office refers to SUNY Parking Structures with a J designation and X is used for Not a Special Structure. SUNY BCI refers to Parking Structures with X.

29.  SUNY Historic Building (D/L):

a.       This field is auto-filled from the primary facility data screen

30.  CU Historic Building

a.       This field is auto-filled from the primary facility data screen

31.  CU Historic District

a.       This field is auto-filled from the primary facility data screen

32.  Deleted Building

[A]       Building now owned by other than campus

[B]       Building burned down or otherwise destroyed

[D]       Dormitory Authority Buildings

[C]       Building combined with another building

[D]       Building demolished (demolition was planned)

[E]       Future building changed to existing with a different facility number

[F]       Future building deleted due to cancellation or suspension of the project

[G]       Building was on file in error (duplicate entry, part of complex, etc.)

[L]       Leased

[N]       Tunnels, surface parking, water tunnels, etc. Note: “N” code will keep it on BCI list

[S]       Abandoned

[Z]       Reason Unknown

33.  Facility End Date:

a.       This field is auto-filled from the primary facility data screen

b.      Date that the facility obsoletion information was entered.  This date will generally be after subsequent obsoletion dates in ‘termination’, ‘demolition’, and ‘sold’.

34.  Termination Date:

a.       This field is auto-filled from the primary facility data screen

b.      Generally refers to a lease expiration date, however this data field will also be used for estimated dates when facilities (i.e. trailers) are removed from campus and neither demolished nor sold.

35.  Demolition Date:

a.       This field is auto-filled from the primary facility data screen

b.      Date a facility was torn down.

36.  Sold Date:

a.       This field is auto-filled from the primary facility data screen

b.      Date a facility was sold.




Master Plan Zones/Precincts

Core Campus – B/Arts Quad – C01

Core Campus – B/Gardens – C11

Countryside – G/McGowan – CS21

Core Campus – B/West Center – C02

West Campus – C/West Campus – W12

Northeast Campus – H/Northeast Campus – NE22

Core Campus – B/Hoy Quad – C03

North Campus – D/Cornell Heights – N13

Southeast Campus – I / Southeast Campus – SE23

Core Campus – B/Bailey Plaza – C04

North Campus – D/North Campus – N14

Cascadilla Creek – J/Cascadilla Creek Gorge – CC24

Core Campus – B/Garden Ave – C05

Collegetown – E/College Town – CT15

Cascadilla Creek – J/Meadows – C25

Core Campus – B/Ag Quad – C06

South Campus – F/Maplewood – S16

Cascadilla Creek – J/Cascadilla Creek  Gorge– CC26

Core Campus – B/Alumni Quad – C07

South Campus – F/East Hill Village – S17

Fall Creek – K/ Fall Creek Gorge -FC27

Core Campus – B/East Center – C08

South Campus – F/Cornell Park – S18

Fall Creek – K/ Beebe Lake - FC28

Core Campus – B/Judd Falls – C09

Countryside – G/Arboretum – C19

Fall Creek – K/Fall Creek - FC29

Core Campus –B/ Vet Quad – C10

Countryside –G/Orchards – CS20

Outside of Area – Z/Outside of Zone -  0

Statewide Fixed Asset Accounting System (SFAAS) Coding

Codes, Definitions and Cornell Categories

As of 1/26/17; mlc

The State University Construction Fund (SUCF) requires Cornell to provide certain data elements during an annual submission process of room and facility data for Contract College occupied space.  One of the fields that Cornell submits is identified as Statewide Fixed Asset Accounting System (SFAAS) Coding.  SUCF identifies this field as “A code used in the Statewide Fixed Asset Accounting system to identify the type of building.”   SUCF provides valid entries by code and code name.

Cornell has chosen to apply this SFAAS coding to all non-Weill Cornell Medicine facilities, not just Contract College-occupied buildings, in order to provide a consistent system of identifying building types.   In order to aid in the consistent application of these codes, Cornell developed definitions and Cornell-specific examples, as identified in the following table.  

Further, Cornell has decided to use the SFAAS codes to calculate several values, including one required for an IRS Form 990.   In order to simplify the Form 990 required calculations, Cornell mapped each of the SFAAS codes to a high-level type limited to Industrial, Barn, Office, Retail, and Housing.   Cornell is identifying these high-level types as Form 990 Categories.

The Space Management Program Manager is responsible for reviewing and updating the table based on changes requested by SUCF or as required to support Cornell analysis and reporting.


Code Name

Form 990 Category

Code Definition (provided by Cornell)

Examples (provided by Cornell)


Infrastructure Misc.



Cornell not assigning SFAAS codes to infrastructure


Site Improvement Misc.



Not in use at Cornell at this time; all buildings fit into a specific type


Animal Shelter


Structure providing temporary shelter for animals

Various Run-­‐In Sheds




Structure for public gathering

Bailey Hall (1024); Sage Chapel (2005)




Structure for housing animals and/or storing hay, grain and other feed or commodities in support of animal housing or crop production (See Also -­‐ 1520 Stable); Also includes pavilions, pergolas, shelters and other open structures

Teaching Dairy Barn (1167); Snyd Hill Poultry Production (1747); Baker Inst Hay Storage Barn (1778), Arnot Forest Pole Barn (4316); Butler Family Pavilion (2543D); GNVA Covered Barbecue (4960B)


Boat House


Building or shed, usually built partly over water for sheltering boats

Aquaculture Boat Shelter (1013G); Collyer Boat House (2612); Shackelton Pt Boathouse (4343); Shoals Boathouse (4847L)


Boiler House


Structure to support boiler systems

GNVA Central Heating Plant (4936); LIHC Heating Plant (4813B); Central Heating Plan (5510B) [used for all heating plants regardless of method of heat production; associated support buildings are coded to 2000 Central Service]


College Classroom


Structure providing classrooms for student education; Used for buildings that have more than 10 classrooms per the 2013 campus space study which aren't otherwise identified by a more specific descriptor (See Also -­‐ 1570 Training Center)

Limited to these buildings:  Uris Hall (2087); Rockefeller Hall (2014); Goldwin Smith (2013); Statler Hall Auditorium (2033); Myron Taylor Hall (2021); Kennedy Hall (1080S); Sage Hall (3002); Vet Education Center (1163); CVM Center (1170); Milstein Hall (3802)


College Administration


Structure that primarily serves the needs of a college's administrative function, usually houses the Dean's office and related functions (See Also -­‐ 1440 Office Building)

Carpenter Hall (2042); CALS Surge Facility (1047); Roberts Hall (1080N); Schurman Hall (1150C); Ives Hall (1009)


Comfort Station


Structure with toilet and lavatory facilities for public use

Rec Club Toilet Facility (2109C); Tobin Field House (2630)




Structure for a subsidiary business or service (See Also -­‐ 1780 Restaurant; 1790 Gas Station and 1830 Retail Store)

Not currently in use at Cornell


Dining Hall


Structure providing food for campus faculty, staff and students (See Also -­‐ 1780 Restaurant)

Shackelton Pt Cafeteria (1190)





Structure housing students; Access is controlled by the Program; Students are locked out during intercession, etc.; includes program houses (See Also -­‐ 1330 House)

Mary Donlon Hall (3026); Court Residence Hall (3202); Sheldon Court (3090); Cascadilla Hall (3001); Schuyler House (2702, 2703); Flora Rose House (3035); North Campus High & Low Rises, Townhouses


Field House/Stadium


Structure for athletic events and/or dressing/storage in connection with athletic fields/events; large enough to accommodate an entire playing field/surface (See Also -­‐ 1300 Gymnasium)

Barton Hall (1001); Schoellkopf Memorial (2602B); Schoellkopf Crescent (2603B); Oxley Equestrian Center (2664); Reis Tennis Center (2667); various bleachers & dugouts


Garage, Bus


Structure that houses buses and supporting equipment/storage for buses (See Also -­‐ 1240 Garage, Parking and 1270 Garage)

East Campus Service Center (4008)


Garage, Parking


Vehicle parking garage (See Also -­‐ 1230 Garage, Bus; 1270 Garage and 1410 Machine Equipment Shed)

Hoy Rd Garage (2776); Forest Home Dr Garage (1011P)




Garage used with residential type space or of a residential scale (See Also -­‐ 1230 Garage, Bus; 1240 Garage, Parking and 1410 Machine Equipment Shed)

Maple Ave 104 Garage (2580A); Shackelton Pt Residence Garage (4337A); Thurston Garages A and B (3008A, 300B)




Structure (usually glass) where temperature is maintained within a desired range for cultivating and growing plants out of season; include headhouse buildings

Tower Rd greenhouses; Caldwell Rd greenhouses; GNVA greenhouses; LIHC Headhouse 5 (4804A); Uihlein Plastic Greenhouse 1 (1540)




Structure designed and equipped for indoor sports, exercise or physical education for either humans and animals (See Also -­‐ 1210 Field House/Stadium)

Helen Newman (2616); Teagle (2611); Livestock Pavilion (1043); Friedman Strength Condtn Ctr (2631A)


Health Center


Structure where medical services are offered or a group of doctors practice

Gannett Health Services (2704)




Structure where sick or injured people or animals are given medical or surgical treatment

Large Animal Isolation (1162B); Clinical Programs Surgery (1151); Vet Medical Ctr (1164); Swanson Wildlife Health Ctr (1772)




Structure where people live; Access for residents is not limited during term with the university (See Also -­‐ 1200 Dormitory and 1880 Hostel)

Greeks, Co-­‐ops, graduate and family housing, apartments, some housing abroad (see also 1880 Hostel); Baker Institute Farm House (2750) & Director's House (2753); Robin Hill (2514); Reed Farm House (2549A)




An elevator that ascends an incline rather than in a vertical shaft

Not currently in use at Cornell




Structure for a collection of manuscripts, publications, books and other reading materials for viewing, listening, study, or reference

Mann Library (1027, 1027A); Uris Library (2010); Olin Library (2047); Kroch Carl A Library (2047A)


Machine Equipment Shed


Structure for storing machinery and equipment to be used on the premises (See Also -­‐ 1040 Barn; 1270 Garage; 1540 Storage Bldg and 1590 Warehouse)

Musgrave Machine Shed (4106), LAS Forklift Shed (5050Y); Farm Service Open Shed B (1085B)





Structure where works of art, scientific specimens or other objects of permanent value are kept and displayed

Johnson Museum of Art (2086); War Memorial (3013); CU Plant Pathology Herbarium (1111); Plant Breeding Seed Storage (1910B)


Office Building


Structure that primarily supports spaces where faculty, staff and students can conduct business; used for non-­‐college administration buildings (See Also -­‐ 1090 College Administration)

Day Hall (2026); Ives Hall East (1008); Ives Hall West (1008A); Ives Hall Faculty Wing (1003); Computing Communications Center (1016); AD White House (2006); 104 Maple Ave (2089); East Hill Plaza (2583 various); Toboggan Lodge (2605)


Police Station


Structure for police headquarters in a particular district, from which police officers are dispatched and to which persons under arrest are brought

Not currently in use at Cornell


Power Station


Structure that supports the generation and distribution of electricity

Hydro Electric Plant Intake (5311); Hydro Electric Plant Station A (5310); Shoals Utility Bldg (4847B); Kite Hill Substation (5325); Shackelton Pt Power Shed (4357)


Recreation Building


Structure that supports a pastime, diversion, exercise or other resource affording relaxation and enjoyment; at Cornell, used for those buildings that support recreation, particularly student activity centers

Willard Straight Hall (2020); Fischell Band Center (2603C); Robert Purcell Community Center (3212); Big Red Barn (2040)


Research Building


Structure that primarily supports spaces where research is conducted, especially wet laboratory research; includes smaller buildings at off-­‐ campus facilities with a primary purpose to support research (vs. field or academic support)

Weill Hall (1014); Baker Laboratory (2019); East Campus Research Facility (1165)




Structure, with permanent or fixed stalls, for housing and feeding animals (See Also -­‐ 1040 Barn)

Ruminant Nutrition Laboratory (1084A)


Storage Building


Structure for supporting the storage of various items (See Also -­‐ 1040 Barn; 1270 Garage; 1410 Machine Equipment Shed; 1520 Stable and 1590 Warehouse for more specific types of storage buildings)

Various storage sheds and storage containers; Golf Cart Storage Facility (2633A); Turkey Pole Barn (2730B)


Swimming Pool -­‐ Indoor


Structure with an indoor swimming pool and support spaces for the swimming pool (See Also -­‐ 1300 Gymnasium)

Not currently in use at Cornell




Structure for dramatic presentations, stage entertainments or motion-­‐ picture shows

Schwartz Ctr Performing Arts (2016)


Training Center


Structure that supports the education, instruction, or discipline of a person or animal that is being trained (verses educated, as in a classroom) (See Also -­‐ 1080 College Classroom)

King-­‐Shaw Hall (1007A); Merrill Family Sailing Center (2639); Arnot Forest Rustic Ed Center (4307)




Structure where large stock of items are stored for future use and distribution; may have high ceiling height, room for pallet jacks and fork trucks to maneuver, and may provide racking infrastructure, controlled/limited access, and a controlled environment (See Also -­‐ 1410 Machine Equipment Shed, 1540 Storage Building)

Cornell Warehouse (3913); Hall Rd Warehouse (3912), Cascadilla 750, University Press Warehouse (2569); Campus Store Warehouse (4007)




Structure for emphasizing the exchange of ideas and the demonstration and application of techniques, skills, etc., most specifically mechanical work

Athletics Operations (1034); Various maintenance shops, Graphic Arts Services Bldg (2048)




Structure to support machinery in which timber is sawed into planks, boards, etc.

Shackelton Pt Sawmill (4349)




Structure associated with swimming or water with facilities to support bathing (immersion) of humans (See Also -­‐ 1100 Comfort Station and 1660 Shower Bldg)

Arnot Forest Bath House (4302)


Shower Building


Structure with facilities to support showering of humans (See Also -­‐ 1100 Comfort Station and 1650 Bathhouse)

Tennis Building Cascadilla G (2614)


Pump House


Structure supporting plumbing (pumps)

State Elevated Pumphouse (253C); Musgrave Pump House (4109); Harford Pump House (1251); Arnot Forest Pump House (4313)


Visitor Information Center


Structure for providing visitors with information pertaining to the area; provides amenities for visitor comfort, such as restrooms, beverages, meeting space

Plantations Nevin Welcome Center (2444)


Police/Guard Booth


Structure for providing security, directions, etc.

Traffic booths; Plantations Information Kiosk (2598B)




Large, impressive, or stately residence (See Also -­‐ 1330 House)

Not currently in use at Cornell




Commercial Eateries (See Also -­‐ 1120 Concession, 1190 Dining Hall)

Not currently in use at Cornell


Gas Station


Structure to support the distribution of gasoline

Not currently in use at Cornell


Water/Sewer Service


Structure to support the distribution of water and sewer

Filter Plant (5210); Pleasant Grove PRV Station (5213); Water Treatment Plant Endowed (5510A); Waste Management Facility (1150G)


Radio/TV Broadcast


Structure to provide communications and news to a specific area

Radio Propagation Hanshaw Rd (2063)


Retail Store


Structure to support the sale and distribution of various items

Cornell Store (2088); Cornell Golf Center (2633); East Hill Plaza businesses (CU leased to others)




Structure to support inexpensive and supervised housing for young people on various types of trips

Nepal CNSP Female & Male Hostels (3951A, 3951B)




Structure/s supporting K-­‐12 Education, used at Cornell to include stand-­‐ alone child care facilities

Cornell Child Care Center (2116); Dart Road 59, Univ Coop Nurs (6083)




Structure to support the cleaning of clothing or linens as well as space for supplies and materials to support the laundry or cleaning functions

Shackelton Pt Laundry (4345)


Car Wash


Structure with special equipment for washing automobiles

Not currently in use at Cornell




Structure for selling food and supplies to the personnel or workers in a military post, mining camp, lumber camp, or the like (See Also -­‐ 1190 Dining Hall, 1780 Restaurant)

Not currently in use at Cornell


Central Service


Structure to support campus physical plant central services that do not fall into other more specific categories (1480 Power Station, 1710 Pump House, 1810 Water & Sewer)

Meter houses; Shoals Radar Tower (4847K); Gas Odorizer Bldg (5452)