Student Bus Pass Purchase Contract
Parking and OmniRide Bus Pass Contract
As a member of the Cornell University community, I agree to pay the published price for the pass offered to me by Transportation Services. I will comply fully with any sanctions specified by the university, should any violations occur. Should I not comply with university sanctions, or fail to comply with these terms, the university reserves the right to revoke the pass. I understand that parking restrictions or transit services may be temporarily suspended or changed due to holidays, weather conditions, special events, campus construction, or emergencies.
Parking Pass
I understand that: the purchase of a parking pass does not entitle me to a reserved space, but provides the opportunity to park in the areas where my pass is valid; it is my responsibility to notify Transportation Services when I change vehicles or license plates; the university is not liable for any damage to, or caused by, any vehicle or its operator, its occupant(s), or any other person(s) unless the damage has resulted from the negligence of an agent of the university acting in the capacity and within the scope of his or her employment. I will abide by any and all Cornell regulations relating to the operation or parking of motor vehicles on the campus.
OmniRide Pass
I understand OmniRide bus privileges are nontransferable. I understand that I must remain registered in order for CU ID privileges to remain active.
Returns, replacements, refunds
I understand that I can return the permit or discontinue OmniRide bus privileges and my prepaid fees will be refunded based on the current Transportation Services refund policy. No refunds will be given after March 31 (spring/summer).
Permit Refund Policy
- A pre-paid permit is eligible for a refund if it is returned by March 31.
- There are no refunds on M permits.
- There are no refunds on annual permits after March 31.
- There are no refunds on temporary permits.
- There are no cash refunds.
- Refunds are based on a prorated schedule. Refund amounts are determined on the day the permit is returned.
- If a permit was charged, the account charged will be credited for any refund due.
- Refunds on permits that were paid for by check or cash will be processed through Cornell University Accounting, and a check will be mailed. This process takes approximately two weeks.