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Cornell University

Z01b - Service Requests for Fume Hood Hibernation/Un‐Hibernation

Purpose: The triage of a Fume Hood Hibernation or Un‐hibernation SR sent to the zone
When: A SR has been received for the hibernation or un‐hibernation of a fume hood(s)
Who: Zone Facility Manager
Resources to Complete Tasks A computer. A Maximo account, with Zone Management Access

Service Request for a Fume Hood Hibernation


  1. Follow SOP Z01, steps 1‐4

  2. Verify the following information is provided on the SR (revise if necessary; contact the UFR or requestor if necessary).

    1. Summary: Hibernate hood [with identification code]
    2. Long Description:
      • An estimate of how long the fume hood will be hibernated.
      • Contact information of the requestor (if the requestor information is not already displayed in the Requestor fields of the SR) should be here as well.
      • Additional information as needed.
    3. Classification: Repair, Maintenance, Service
    4. Priority: 30
    5. Service: HVACR
    6. Crew: CONTROL
    7. GL Account: IT‐R614705‐?????‐6470‐???‐??????????‐000147
  3. Re‐route the SR to FM Operations

    1. Click the Workflow button

      Maximo Workflow Icon
    2. Select “Re‐route to Central Zone
    3. Click “OK

Service Request for a Fume Hood Un-Hibernation


  1. Follow SOP Z01, steps 1‐4

  2. Verify the following information is provided on the SR (revise if necessary; contact the UFR or requestor if necessary).

    1. Summary: Un‐hibernate hood [with identification code]
    2. Long Description:
      • Contact information of the requestor (if the requestor information is not already displayed in the Requestor fields of the SR) should be here as well.
      • Additional information as needed.
    3. Classification: Repair, Maintenance, Service
    4. Priority: 40
    5. Service: HVACR
    6. Crew: CONTROL
    7. GL Account: IT‐R614705‐?????‐6470‐???‐??????????‐000147
    8. Target Finish Date: 48 hours after SR reported date*
      *There is a policy that hoods will be turned back on within 48 hours of SR submission.
  3. Re‐route the SR to FM Operations

    1. Click the Workflow button

      Maximo Workflow Icon
    2. Select “Re‐route to Central Zone
    3. Click “OK

The Result Will Be: The zone will review a fume hood hibernation or un‐hibernation service request, verify the correct information is provided on the SR, and re‐route the SR to FM Operations.




Subject area(s)