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Cornell University

C02 - Pest SR Dispatch


To dispatch pest‐related service requests to vendor


  1. Log into Maximo Production to enter Service Requests

    1. Go to 
    2. Click on "Maximo Production" icon in the "Quick Links" section
    3. Enter login information and click "Sign In"
  2. Receive call from a customer

    Ask them if they have already contacted their Building Coordinator or Unit Facility Rep.

    1. If yes, check the CS 24 hours queue to see if a service request has been entered. Search by facility code or SR number
    2. If no, go to Task 4
  3. If SR exists in Maximo, review the information on the request. (Otherwise skip to step 4)

    Search by facility code or the service request number and click on to open.

    1. Review and confirm the service request information with the caller. Facility name, Service Group "FSRMS", Service and Crew "Pest", and Priority level
    2. Make sure there are specific location details in summary field
    3. Verify a GL account is populated
    4. End phone call
    5. Skip to Task 5
  4. If SR does not exist, create a service request in Maximo

    1. Click the “New Service Request” link on your Start Center
    2. Gather information from the caller to populate the following fields. Fields marked with an asterisk are required.
      • Reported by (enter their NetID, then click tab on keyboard)
      • Affected by (if different than the Reported By)
      • Summary
      • Details (type additional info if needed)
      • Facility Code (click tab after typing in facility code, and the Location will automatically populate)
    3. Populate the Service and crew as “Pest
    4. Verify the GL account is populated
    5. Populate or select the Priority Code “40” Unless it is a bat or other life safety issue then make it a 50
    6. Click the Save button
    7. End phone call
    8. All 30-45 SRs are sent to the UFR queue. They will review and workflow to FCS if needed or cancel if not
    9. For 50s go to step 6
  5. For a 50 or any SR in the CS queue 

    Review SR and look at the Related Records tab to see if there is a workorder. If there is no WO workflow Sr to "Pest" and one is auto created. Or go to the SRs 

    1. "Select Action" drop down along top menu
    2. Choose "Create" - "Work Order"
    3. Then go to related records
    4. Once a WO is created fill in
      • Work Type "GS"
      • Work Group "Pest"
      • Crew "Pest"
    5. Click on Save button
  6. Notify vendor via Maximo SR Communication for all requests

    1. Copy WO number
    2. Send communication to pest vendor by
      • Go to "Select Action" drop down at top menu
      • Choose "Create - Communications"
      • An email form will open 
      • At top type SR in Template field and Sr info will auto populate
      • Paste WO number into body of email
      • In the Emails "To" field click on magnifying glass at end of line
      • Click "People" tab
      • Type vendors name and when it comes up click on the "To" field
      • Click "OK"
      • Click Send
    3. For priority 50s, emergency life safety, also call vendor and let them know there is a 50 and an email with details has been sent.


The vendor will have been notified of the pest‐related issue, and the Maximo work order is prepared to receive charges from the invoice.




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