Conference Parking FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about Conference and Event Parking
How do I make an event parking request?
Fill out the Conference and Event Parking Request form. A customer service representative will contact you to complete the process.
How long does it take to process my request?
As a general rule we ask that requests for conference parking arrangements be made at least ten business days in advance of the event. This gives us time to work with our vendor to configure the event site, including maps, printable permits, and driving directions.
Arrangements for large events with 100 or more attendees should be made six months in advance.
What if I need permits right away?
We’ll work with you to determine the best possible solution, even on short notice. Complete the Conference and Event Parking Request form and note your time constraint in the comment section. There may be a rush charge attached to your just-in-time order.
Or, consider using short-term parking options and have your guests pay.
How many permits can I order?
Permit availability will vary based on parking availability, time of year, and event location.
How much do permits cost?
Permit prices vary based on parking location and, if applicable, vendor convenience fees. ParkMobile Reservations fees are $1 per printable permit, per day. ParkMobile pay-by-cell fees are $.45 per transaction.
How are permits paid for?
Departments can pay via department account when ordering permits or establishing a ParkMobile Reservations event. Alternatively, departments can choose to have their attendees pay for parking using ParkMobile Reservations, ParkMobile pay-by-cell, or a parking pay station.
NOTE: Please be sure to read and understand University policy 3.14 regarding allowable business expenses.
Where can my guests park?
The standard options for conference and large event parking are the Hoy Garage (Central Campus) and B Lot/TRB Lot (Vet College). Special locations may be available for small groups and when classes are not in session.
What is ParkMobile?
ParkMobile is the leading provider of smart parking and mobility solutions in North America. The company’s technology is used in over 3000 locations across the country, including large cities, college campuses, airports, and stadiums.
- ParkMobile Pay-by-Cell at Cornell FAQ
- ParkMobile Reservations Vendor FAQ (general reponses to frequently asked questions; not Cornell specific)