SUCF 161035 Abate & Renovate Walk-in Coolers Pomology Cold Storage Building
Title: SUCF# 161035 -Abate & Renovate Walk-in Coolers Pomology Cold Storage Building
Agency: Cornell University
Division: Contract Colleges Facilities
Contract Number: TBD Contract Term: TBD
Date of Issue: 03/03/2020
Due Date/Time: 03/24/2020 12:00 PM County(ies): Tompkins
Classification: Architectural, Engineering & Surveying - Construction Professional Services
Opportunity Type: General
Entered By: Danielle Hartman
Description: Request for Qualifications
SUCF#: 161035 -Abate & Renovate Walk-in Coolers Pomology Cold Storage Building
Request for Qualifications
Cornell University is seeking professional design services for the removal of surfaces that have asbestos containing material (ACM) presently adhered to a block wall, which might be impacted during heavy equipment.
Project Description
The overall project goal is to provide a replacement of material in locations as necessary to maintain insulation capability for cold storage while minimizing the impact to the floor area and storage needs. Additionally, using prior investigative work, assist Cornell with the selection and detail for a
cost-effective solution to remove and replace insulation panel units in a phased construction plan. While some of the apple orchard is used as a living lab, a portion of the research takes place in a temperature-controlled pomology walk-in cooler within the Orchard Store on Dryden Rd. in Ithaca New York.
The chosen Architectural/Engineering firm will provide construction document services for the removal and replacement of insulation wall block/panel in rooms 101, 102, 108, and 109.
Scope of Services
• Design Development Phase
• Construction Documents Phase
• Bidding Phase
• Construction Administration Phase/s
Project Reference Materials, attached to ad:
Schematic design study conducted by Delta Engineering dated 12-18-19 Floor plans
Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) Participation Pursuant to New York State Executive Law Article 15-A, Cornell University is committed to promoting opportunities for maximum feasible participation of certified MWBE firms and the employment of minority group members and women in the performance of Cornell contracts. Consultants are required to ensure that good faith efforts are made to include meaningful participation.
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise (SDVOB) Participation Pursuant to New York State Executive Law Article 17-B, Cornell University is committed to promoting opportunities for maximum feasible participation of certified SDVOB firms and the employment of veterans in the performance of Cornell contracts. Consultants are required to ensure that good faith efforts are made to include meaningful participation
MBE, WBE, and SDVOB goals are listed in the New York State Contract Reporter (NYSCR) ad.
The consultant shall provide a Subconsultant Staffing List for the project using the form attached to the NYSCR ad. This subconsultant staffing list shall include the percent of work to be completed by each subconsultant and indicate whether each subconsultant is a MBE, WBE, or SDVOB.
References will be contacted as part of the evaluation process. When submitting references, the following information shall be included:
• Name(s) and title(s) of person/people to contact
• Phone numbers and e-mail addresses
• Name of project and/or reason for reference
Time of Completion Schedule
Design shall be completed no later than August 2020. Bidding to occur September 2020. Construction shall be complete by August 2021.
Format of Proposal
To be considered for this project, prospective consultants shall include the following in their response:
1) Cover letter with signature.
2) Prime Consultant's Qualifications and Experience: Show specific relevant
expertise and successful completion of projects similar in size and scope as the project described above.
3) Qualifications of Prime Consultant Staff: Demonstrate experience and qualifications of the firm's key personnel in the planning, organizing and execution of projects similar in scope. List the qualifications of employees who will be working on this project.
4) Approach and Capability: Show organization of staff and design/technical resources specifically dedicated to this project. Identify assignment of responsibilities and authority.
5) Previous Experience with Work Specific to Project Scope: Include examples of prior work on Cornell projects and other colleges and/or state agencies. Demonstrate thorough understanding of project scope.
6) Proposed Subconsultant Team: List subconsultants who will work on this project and demonstrate that they have the necessary staffing and experience for this type of work.
7) MWBE and SDVOB Utilization: On the Subconsultant Staffing List, list all MBE, WBE, and SDVOB staff and subconsultants who will work on this project to show how the MWBE/SDVOB goals will be met. If the prime consultant is an MWBE/SDVOB firm, it counts towards the goals.
8) References: List references for design and construction administration of similar projects in public and educational settings.
Deadline and Submittal Information
1) Proposals must be received on or by the due date listed in the NYSCR ad.
2) Proposals must be in PDF format, no more than 25 pages total, and labeled using the following naming convention:
SUCF# _Project Name_Firm Name
3) Proposals shall be e-mailed to:
Danielle Hartman
4) If inquiries regarding the project are received, all answers given will be posted at the following link:
https:// fcs.corn departments/ cont ract-coll e
ges-facilities/contract-colleges-facilities-consultant-selec tion-status
No fee information is to be submitted with the proposal. A fee proposal will be requested only after a consultant selection is made.
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Set Aside: No Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 7% Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 14%