Renovate CALS Greenhouses - Phase 1
The New York State Contract Reporter
Friday, 03/01/2019
NYS' official source of contracting opportunities
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Contracting Opportunity
Title: Renovate CALS Greenhouses – Phase 1
Agency: Cornell University
Division: Contract Colleges Facilities
Contract Number: SUCF – 161027
Contract Term: Design to start in the summer of 2019 with expected construction completion of
the first phase by mid-2021, and final completion of all three phases by 2024.
Date of Issue: 02/06/2019
Due Date/Time: 02/28/2019 3:30 PM
All materials must be received by Cornell University no later than (3:30 PM) on the
due date noted in the NYSCR advertisement.
County(ies): Tompkins
Location: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Classification(s): Architectural, Engineering & Surveying - Construction Professional Services
Opportunity Type: General
Description: Requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ)
Renovate CALS Greenhouses – Phase 1
SUCF – 161027
Cornell University at the Ithaca Campus is seeking Statements of Qualification from
Architectural and Engineering firms with a strong background in greenhouse projects
to design the replacement of existing greenhouses on Campus that are used for
teaching and research activities. The project will consist of three construction (and bid) phases where the existing greenhouses will be demolished and new greenhouses constructed. All three phases will be designed in one effort during the first phase.
All phases of design and construction administration for the three construction phases will be included in the scope of work for the selected firm.
Approximate Construction Cost for all three phases is $11,000,000
Design to start in the summer of 2019 with expected construction completion of the first phase by mid-2021, and final completion of all three phases by 2024.
Statements of Qualifications must be submitted in the format prescribed by Cornell University. If your firm would like to be considered for this project, you must follow the required format described below.
Interested firms must submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) in pdf format via email as indicated below. The SOQ must be concise and formatted as indicated below. It should describe the respondent’s specific understanding of and its ability to meet the requirements for the Project.
Statements of Qualifications must be submitted via email to:
Danielle N. D. Hartman
Questions regarding this request for SOQs shall be directed only to the following contacts:
Danielle N. D. Hartman
Please use the following naming convention for your pdf: “Firm Name SOQ – Project Name”.
All materials must be received by Cornell University no later than (3:30 PM) on the due date noted in the NYSCR advertisement.
Walkthrough Date: February 13, 2019, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Please meet at: Guterman Bioclimatic Lab, main hallway outside room 107
Shortlisted Firms, tentative interview date: March 13, 2019, times TBD
Statements of Qualifications shall be organized into the following sections and shall be no more than 12 electronic pages (excluding the cover letter, table of contents, and MWBE Utilization Plan). Incomplete SOQs will be considered non-responsive and may be rejected.
Cover Letter: A signed transmittal letter expressing your firm’s interest in contracting with CU for the services indicated and your understanding of the scope of services to be provided. The cover letter shall also include the name, title, address, phone number and email address of the contact person for your firm in relation to this
Request for Qualifications.
Section 1: Experience
Indicate the experience of your firm that relates to the scope of the Project. Include a list of five (5) unique projects completed by your firm that are similar in scope to the Project. Provide the following information for each project listed:
• The name, title and telephone number of the client’s representative that served as the day-to-day liaison during the project. If the liaison is no longer with the client’s firm, please provide a contact person that is familiar with the project and your firm’s work on such project. Please ensure that the contact information provided is current and accurate.
• A brief description of both the construction scope of work and the design and construction phase services provided by your firm.
• A comparison of estimated construction cost at the time of bid vs. the final construction cost inclusive of all changes.
• A comparison of the project schedule vs. actual completion dates.
• Describe specific techniques that your firm employed to explore design options to create unique designs for the client, determine estimated construction costs, proactively monitor construction activities of contractors and maintain overall control of schedule, costs and quality for the client, etc.
Section 2: Staffing
Describe the proposed organization of staff to be assigned to the project, including responsibilities of each proposed staff member. Indicate the estimated percent of time these individuals will be involved in the project for design and planning. Also provide resumes of the key and senior personnel that will be involved in the Project.
Resumes should include relevant experience with similar projects.
Section 3: Sub-consultants
Provide a list of proposed sub-consultant firms that would be employed for the project and list by service to be provided. For each sub-consultant, provide name, address and partner-in-charge.
Section 4: M/WBE consultants
Complete and return M/WBE Construction-Related Consulting Utilization Plan
All SOQs received for the Project will be reviewed by a committee of professionals in order to produce a short-list of firms that will be given further consideration. The short-list of firms will be requested to submit additional information with respect to their firm, staff and proposed approach to the project. The short-list of firms may also be requested to attend a walk-through of the project site and/or an interview by the committee. The committee will select the firm that they deem to be most qualified, based upon factors such as the qualifications and experience of the firm and the staff to be assigned to the project; the firm’s approach to successfully completing the project; and the result of professional references.
The successful firm will be required to provide evidence demonstrating that it is legally authorized by the NYS Education Department to do business in New York State. All firms must also provide proof of New York State Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Disability Insurance coverage.
Upon notification of the selection and award of a contract unsuccessful proposers may request in writing a debriefing of the results of their response to this solicitation.
Requests for debriefing must be received within a reasonable time frame, not more than 30 days after notice of award.
MBE Goal: 4%
WBE Goal: 12%
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Set Aside: No
Minority Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 4%
Women Owned Sub-Contracting Goal: 12%
Contact Information
Primary contact: Cornell University
Contract Colleges Facilities
Danielle Hartman
Administrative and Program Coordinator
125 Humphreys Service Building
Ithaca, NY 14853
United States
Ph: 607-254-8563
Submit to contact: Cornell University
Contract Colleges Facilities
Danielle Hartman
Administrative and Program Coordinator
125 Humphreys Service Building
Ithaca, NY 14853
United States
Ph: 607-254-8563
The following supporting documents are available for download:
MWBE Utilization Plan
To download these documents, please visit the New York State Contract Reporter website:
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