Service Level Agreements
This Service Level Agreement represents the relationship between Facilities and Campus Services and the Unit Facilities Staff in the three Campus Zones for purposes of services and /or support as defined below. The Agreement is intended to be a foundation to define roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities; promote effective communications; and resolve service problems that may arise, particularly within the framework of the new Facilities Zone Management structure.
The purpose of organization at the zone level is to aggregate work such that it can be done by full time, professional facilities staff, and to dedicate staff to specific areas of campus to foster partnerships and improve familiarity with facilities. Zone Management is an organizational structure for Cornell’s facilities function that is based on zones rather than departments or technical function. Each Zone Trade Crew will provide single point accountability for all shops working in the zone.
The principle goal of the zone structure is to create stronger partnerships between central and unit staff performing the facilities function at Cornell. The partnerships are based on clearer definition of roles and accountabilities. We expect Zone Management will improve the efficiency of delivery of facilities services campus wide. Zone Management in the units also presents an opportunity to broaden the skills of staff that perform facilities work by aggregating position responsibilities and assignments across zones such that they become full-time assignments.