Robert Purcell Community Center Fire Alarm Replacement
Project Description
Replace the existing fire alarm system in Robert Purcell Community Center with a modern fully addressable fire alarm system.
Demolition/removal of the existing fire alarm system in its entirety once the new system is fully operational and tested with the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Check all smoke detectors for listed sensitivity and clean and/or replace those devices that do not meet the listed sensitivity at no additional cost.
Estimated Construction Budget
Pre-Bid Meeting
102C Humphreys Service Building
Deadline for RFI
Bid Opening
eBuilder Bidding Module
Project Schedule
Start: Within Fifteen (15) of written authorization to proceed
Completion: September 5, 2025
Cornell University Facilities
Invited Bidders
Name | Phone | Fax |
Blanding Electric, Inc. | 607-729-3545 | 607-729-0700 |
John Mills Electric, Inc. | 607-734-4111 | 607-734-4150 |
Matco Electric Corporation | 607-729-4921 | 607-729-0932 |
O'Connell Electric Company, Inc. | 585-924-2176 | 585-924-4973 |
Schuler-Haas Electric Corp | 585-325-1060 | 585-325-2364 |
Project Documents
To obtain documents, visit the Planroom.