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Cornell University

Campus Planning: Site Development Guidelines

Site Development Guidelines:

As part of the site selection process, the University Planner develops a set of Site Development Guidelines based on the requirements of the specific site, University Campus Master Plan and on-going initiatives to coordinate the campus into a cohesive whole such as transportation, landscape and storm water management issues. The guidelines also record the findings of necessary enabling projects developed during the site selection process to ensure that all attendant project costs are well addressed in the proposition of the project to the Trustees. The goal of the guidelines is not be restrictive, but to ensure that necessary coordination actions are identified for the architect to address in design. The guidelines are considered in the development of the project costs.

Getting started:

College / unit facility and program directors may contact the Campus Planning Office directly to launch a feasibility study or site selection process.


Leslie Schill
Humphreys Service Building
Ithaca, NY 14853