Chilled water test to occur May 23, 2019
Cornell Utilities Distribution and Energy Management will be conducting their annual “chilled water load shed test” on Thursday, May 23, 2019 to evaluate the readiness and functionality of the Chilled Water load shed program. This test is necessary to evaluate annual team response and communication, and program functionality to Cornell’s chilled water service to the campus. The testing will occur during a short window and building occupants may experience temperature fluctuations during this time.
How will campus be impacted?
This service may cause small changes to building air temperatures across campus. It is expected that some occupants within offices, atriums and classrooms might experience warmer temperatures for the short duration of the test. The test will not affect lab spaces.
Test details
- The test will begin at 1:00 PM on Thursday, May 23, 2019.
- Conclusion of the test is expected to be no later than 4:00 pm on Thursday, May 23, 2019.
- Airflows to lab and critical spaces will not be affected during the test.
- In the event outdoor temperature are below 55 deg F the test will be postponed to a future date.
About Cornell Cooling
The Cornell University Chilled Water System has been in operation since the early 1960’s. Cornell uses a "district energy" model, and today's system is one of the most energy efficient systems in the world. It operates year round, producing approximately 40 million ton-hours of cooling each year for research, air conditioning of laboratory space, computer rooms, lecture/teaching areas and common spaces. It is also almost completely "renewable" via the Lake Source Cooling plant.