Rehabilitate Rice Hall SUCF #161065
Project Description
This project includes renovating all levels of Rice Hall, including the basement, attic, and three floors of programmed space. The renovation involves installing new mechanical systems, updating interior finishes, and creating modern office and classroom spaces to meet the university's business and academic needs. Additionally, the project addresses critical maintenance issues, such as replacing the roof and windows, repairing the masonry façade, replacing exterior underground utilities, and updating the driveway.
Estimated Construction Budget
Pre-Bid Meeting
101 Humphreys Service Building/Zoom
Deadline for RFI
RFIs to:
Bid Opening
133 Humphreys Service Building and via Zoom
Project Schedule
Completion: 500 Calendar Days
di Domenico + Partners
Invited Bidders
Cost Per Set
Hard Copy: $49.00
Electronic Copy: $49.00
Project Documents
To obtain documents, visit the Planroom.