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Cornell University

Akwe:kon Window Replacement

Project Description

Replace current wood windows with new, custom order windows. Replace trim, cedar shakes, and any sheathing that has been damaged. 

Estimated Construction Budget


Pre-Bid Meeting

133 Humphreys Service Building

Deadline for RFI

Bid Opening

eBuilder Bidding Module

Project Schedule

Start: Within Seven (7) of written authorization to proceed
Completion: August 14, 2026


Cornell Facilities Engineering 

Invited Bidders

Name Phone Fax
F.E. Jones Construction of NY, LLC (607) 348-0045 (607) 348-0050
LeChase Construction Services, LLC 315-423-0015 315-423-0054
Streeter Associates, Inc. 607-734-4151 607-732-2952
W. L. Kline, Inc. 607-724-6637 607-724-6650
Welliver McGuire, Inc. 607-535-5400 607-535-9254

Project Documents

To obtain documents, visit the Planroom.