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Cornell University

T08 - Enter Condition Monitoring Readings on a WO in Maximo - Tradesperson

Purpose: To record readings against a WO so they can be reported on and stored in history for trending purposes
When: A job plan requires condition monitoring readings
Who: Tradesperson
Resources to Complete Tasks: A computer. A Maximo account, with Tradesperson access.


  1. Log into Maximo with your Cornell NetID and password.

    1. Go to
    2. Under Quick Links menu on right side
    3. Click “Maximo Production
    4. Enter login information & click "Sign In"
  2. Go to the Work Order Tracking application and find your work order(s)

    1. On the top left of the screen, click (hamburger menu) Go To – Work Orders – Work Order Tracking
    2. If the work order number is assigned to you, do the following:
      • On the top left of the screen, click the arrow to bring up the list of queries:
        T7 Enter Labor Work Logs screenshot 1
      • Select the “Work Orders Assigned To Me” query
        T7 Enter Labor Work Logs screenshot 2
    3. If the work order is not assigned to you, do the following:
      • Type the work order # in the search box at the top of the screen. Then, click the magnifying glass or the Enter button on your keyboard.
        T7 Enter Labor Work Logs screenshot 3
  3. Open the “Plans” tab

    1. Click on the “Plans” tab

      T8 Enter Condition screenshot 1
    2. The Tasks are located in the middle of the screen
  4. Enter a reading within “Task Information”

    1. If the task you are entering a measurement for is not showing in the list, use the green arrow (1) to go to the next list of tasks

    2. Click on a blue triangle (2) to the left of the task you will be entering a recording for (it will turn orange)

      • Task Information for that task will show towards the bottom of the screen.

        T8 Enter Condition screenshot 2
    3. Enter the reading in the “Measurement Value” field towards the right of the screen.

    4. Click the tab key, and the Measurement Date and Inspector NetID will automatically populate.

      T8 Enter Condition screenshot 3
  5. Repeat Task 4 until all task readings are entered

    1. Maximo Save Icon

      Click the “Save” button at the top of the screen to save the readings.

      • Click “Save” periodically when entering a number of readings to avoid losing your data.

*Important: Make sure you are putting the correct measurement to the correct task. Once it is saved, a reading cannot be changed.

The Result Will Be: Readings will have been entered against a work order so they can be reported on and stored in history
for trending purposes.




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