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Cornell University

FCS Key Inventory Administration Policy

FCS Key Inventory Administration Policy


Define the processes for issuing and returning keys through the FCS Key Inventory, and to ensure FCS compliance with Cornell University Policy 8.4 “Management of Keys and Other Access Control Systems Policy”.


Master Keys: keys that provide access to entire/large sections of a facility. This includes “master,” “grand-master,” and “great- grand” keys which provide access to multiple rooms and facilities.

Non-Master Keys: include “sub-master” and “change” keys that give access to one or several room locations within a single facility.

MR and MRB Keys: similar to “master” keys as they give access to specific locations in multiple buildings, but only to mechanical/utility rooms.

FCS Key Policy:

  • Keys are issued in accordance with Cornell University Policy 8.4 “Management of Keys and Other Access Control Systems Policy,” and must only be issued as needed to active FCS employees of regular or temporary status with a valid netID. Key assignments are recorded in the University Key Management System (KMS).
  • Keys issued from FCS Key Inventory may only be issued by FCS Customer Service, located in 105 Humphreys Service Building, Monday through Friday between 6:30 am and 4 pm. Note: Keys cannot be signed out from the FM Lock Shop.
  • Employees are limited to one master level key at a time. In the event more than one master level key is needed to provide access required for a job, the employee’s manager is required to approve the transaction.
  • Keys issued for access to job sites (construction/custodial/trades) are issued only on locked key rings, and have a Cornell Police ID key-tag attached.
  • FCS Customer Service may issue keys for the following time frames:
    • Keys issued for long term access (example: key for one’s office/individual work space) are issued for one year terms. Keys will be inventoried annually to review business need.
    • Master Keys needed for temporary access are issued for same day use only; key must be returned the same day it is signed out. (Note: Master keys needed for more than one day are to be returned to Customer Service prior to 4:00 PM and signed out again the next morning.)
    • Non-master keys needed for temporary access may be issued through the Friday of the week issued; no more than 5 business days.
    • Note: In the case of a key being overdue for return, FCS Customer Service will contact both the employee and their supervisor. No further keys will be signed out to the employee until all overdue keys are returned.
  • FCS Customer Service will review key requests to determine the most appropriate key before issuing:
    • Alternative access options such as card access may be recommended.
    • Necessity of key will be reviewed (example: if facility/room is unlocked during normal working hours).
    • The key that opens the least number of spaces as required for an individual to perform his or her job will be issued. This may range from access to a single space in one facility to multiple spaces within multiple facilities. This may result in issuance of multiple keys rather than one master key.

Keys may not be available from FCS Customer Service due to the following:

  • Inventory of the requested key is depleted. In such cases FCS Customer Service will order additional keys.
  • Not all Cornell University entities have authorized FCS Customer Service to issue keys on their behalf and/or may limit who FCS Customer Service can issue keys to. In such cases FCS Customer Service can provide contact information for facility access requests.

·Employees who have been issued keys must be in compliance with the following:

  • Keys issued on locked key-rings must be stored off-shift in locked storage in accordance with University Policy 8.4 “Management of Keys and Other Access Control Systems.”
  • Keys must have a Cornell Police ID key-tag attached (available from FCS Customer Service if needed).
  • A lost or missing key must be reported to one’s supervisor, and to FCS Customer Service, as soon as the loss is discovered. A lost key report must be made to Cornell Police so that an incident report can be made and necessary precautions can be taken.

(Date: October 2, 2017)