System for Trade & Auction of Cornell Surplus
What is STACS?
- An online PUBLIC auction system, for surplus materials no longer needed on the campus.
- An online system for internal reallocation of university owned materials. Follow link for directions to access to the materials available for internal reallocation (a valid faculty or staff net id and password are required).
Note: STACS is designed specifically for distribution of NON-capitol materials and does not change or replace any function of the Capitol Assets Transfer System (CATS).
What will I find on STACS?
Non-capital surplus materials examples include: desks, chairs, file cabinets, dry erase boards, and more.
Are computers available through STACS?
No. To ensure data security, and proper disposal of Cornell’s electronic material, these items are not included in STACS.
Is STACS available to the public?
STACS has two components:
- A public auction site where any individual or organization can bid on items at CORNELL STACS.
- A listing of materials available only for internal reallocation by other Cornell University departments or units. This listing is available only to staff and faculty (a faculty or staff net and password are required). There is no cost to campus departments or units for items available for internal reallocation. For additional information contact R5 Operations at 607-254-1666 or
How do I look for items?
- View items available for public auction at CORNELL STACS.
- For viewing items available for internal reallocation by Cornell University departments or units only, contact R5 Operations at 607-254-1666 or
I purchased an item from STACS. Where and when can I pick it up?
Items may be picked up between 7:30 AM and 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday. The Cornell Recycle Center is located at 251 Solidago Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850 (Note: online mapping programs have this location listed with an old street name. If using a mapping program, such as Google Maps, for directions please type in the following old address: 321 E. Palm Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850).
Does Cornell have other surplus materials available not included in STACS?
For additional reuse programs at Cornell visit Cornell R5 ReUse page
The link takes me to “Public Surplus.” What is “Public Surplus?”
Public Surplus is the organization Cornell University has chosen to host the STACS website. Public Surplus is specifically designed to meet the needs of colleges, universities, and municipalities.
What is the purpose of STACS?
- Increased exchange of materials internally between campus departments
- Provide an accessible and equitable program for distribution of material
- Reduce landfill waste, and support both Cornell’s and Tompkins County’s waste diversion goals
- Support Cornell’s Strategic Plan’s to: “Make environmental sustainability a guiding principal in the stewardship of the university’s facilities and resources…”
How are the funds from the auctioned items used?
Funds from the auctioned items are used to reduce the waste removal costs for Cornell’s Ithaca campus.
I have items no longer needed by my department at Cornell. How do I dispose of them?
Contact R5 Operations at 254-1666, or email
I have questions about STACS. Who do I call?
Call R5 Operations at 607-254-1666 or email