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Cornell University

Archive: As Built vs. Record Drawings

As-Builts vs. Record Drawings:

  • As built drawings:
    • Drawings marked up in the field to reflect changes to the design documents. For in-house design jobs – these could be put together by anyone on the design team or the shops and submitted to the PM for inclusion in the record drawings.
    • For out of house design jobs – the drawings are put together by the contractor, typically with the assistance of sub-contractors for submittal to the architect for inclusion in the record drawings.
  • Record drawings:
    • A complete set of clean drawings that reflect how the project was built - folding the as-built revisions into the design documents, including addenda, post bid bulletins and design revisions.
    • These are compiled by the designer from the as-built drawings submitted by the contractor, as a record of the work. Since these are not confirmed in the field by the designer they are not "as-built" but a compiled record.
    • Record drawings are expected to represent a complete drawing set, not just the sheets that changed. These drawings will not be signed but will be stamped or otherwise marked by the design team as “record drawings” and dated.
    • Small jobs that do not produce as built drawings and there was no change to the construction drawings during construction, should have all the construction drawings sheets marked Record Drawings and dated by the designer for submission as record drawings by the project manager.

eBuiler Close-out Documentation Definitions

12.01 Reports[0]

  • Application materials and approvals from historic commissions and/or state agencies(i.e.: ILPC)
  • Studies done prior to the project - including renovations and code reviews reflectingpre-construction conditions.
  • Concept report including Basis of Design
  • Schematic design report including Basis of Design
  • Design development report (should include a system & material narrative and Basis ofDesign)
  • Preliminary code analysis reflecting proposed changes (may be part of design phasereports)
  • Structural analysis including seismic analysis of existing building and proposedstrengthening techniques.
  • Peak utility requirement (if not in LEED documents)
  • Energy Modeling Plan
  • Engineering Calculations
  • Specifications (with addendums)
  • Testing and balancing reports
  • Commissioning agent test & certification documents•Commissioning Report/Drawings (if there are any - these may be redundant with shop drawings)
  • Material test and special inspections reports
  • Environmental Impact Statement: Important to retain since it sets operational limits on what can be done in a building in the future.
  • Honors/awards received by the project (certificates)
  • PR materials/artifacts associated with the project (newspaper clippings, copies of event materials)
  • Dedication or opening, groundbreaking & final public commissioning events
  • Cornerstone or time capsule information (i.e., yes/no; contents)
  • LEED Final report

12.02 Record Drawings[0]

  • Record drawings-Full Size = A complete set of clean drawings that reflect how the project was built - folding the as-built revisions into the design documents, including addenda, post bid bulletins and design revisions.
    • These are compiled by the designer from the as-built drawings submitted by the contractor, as a record of the work. Since these are not confirmed in the field by the designer they are not "as-built" but a compiled record.
    • Record drawings are expected to represent a complete drawing set, not just the sheets that changed. These drawings will not be signed but will be stamped or otherwise marked by the design team as “record drawings” and dated.

12.03 CADD[0]

  • AutoCAD drawings and BIM Model files (older projects may not have a 12.03.01 folder)

12.04 Permits & Agreements[0]

  • Building permits (or any related Authority Having Jurisdiction documents)
  • Materials Filed with local & state agencies for variances, site plan approval &environment impact
  • Letters of Agreement (project specific): pertaining to access/use before, during or afterconstruction, document of ownership, utility, or maintenance
  • Final acceptance: Document signed off on by architect/engineer/designer that project issubstantially complete
  • Notice to Capital Planning Group of Outstanding Issues

12.04 Permits & Agreements[0]

     12.04.01 TCO and Certificates of Occupancy[0]

  • Temporary Certificates of Occupancy
  • Certificate of Occupancy or equivalent: As issued by the Authority Having Jurisdiction

12.05 Photos[0]

  • 1st day and construction photos.

12.06 Submittals[0]

  • Structural Materials (i.e., Concrete, steel, reinforced masonry) - Shop Drawings and Product Data
  • Special mechanical equip (i.e. Phoenix valves)- Shop Drawings and Product Data
  • Curtain walls, ALL windows- Full Size Shop Drawings and Product Data
  • Controls- Full Size Shop Drawings and Product Data
  • Fans- Full Size Shop Drawings and Product Data
  • Pumps- Full Size Shop Drawings and Product Data
  • Panel Boards- Full Size Shop Drawings and Product Data
  • Switch Boards- Full Size Shop Drawings and Product Data
  • Lighting- Full Size Shop Drawings and Product Data
  • Security Systems- Full Size Shop Drawings and Product Data
  • Ductwork- Full Size Shop Drawings and Product Data
  • Fireproofing- Full Size Shop Drawings and Product Data
  • Fire Protection System Records - Sprinklers & fire alarms - Full Size Shop Drawings and Product Data also including calculations

12.07 O&Ms[0]

  • O&M Manuals